Tiger's Jai-Alai Chalk Talk
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Foro de la discusión para el Cielo de Cesta Punta
Forum de discussion pour le Paradis de Pelote Basque

hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(1): 120-ft courts have been around a long time

The Question that your statement makes me ask is... Did those 120ft Conchas use the real Pelotas??
To me the minus of 59ft would cause a wickedly fast game... Even faster than the real Pelota Conchas
Today @ Dania... and the ones overseas. Because it is a known scientific reality that the Pelota is
the fastest just as it exits the Cesta... and the speed steadily decreases from there!! So therefore on a 120ft Concha using a real Pelota would be considerably faster, hence less time to adapt. Or do those 120ft Conchas have a different backwall... Like glass wall there fore slowing the Pelota down to a manageable speed?? I am sorry I ask all these question.... But one can't learn if he doesn't seek the knowledge Thanks StraymarJA ... And good luck in The Rumble Monday!! If you win Monday we face each other the next round !! I am rooting for you my friend !!



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