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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(3): MC jersey numbers

You old guys better get ready because there's a potential revolution on the horizon...and you're probably not going to feel comfortable at all about it. The world is changing and as younger potential viewers/bettors start looking for entertainment, the target is a fast-paced, action-packed product...which is why Magic City designed their version of jai-alai. Had Savin not come along and stewed up his witch's brew, you probably would be looking at the final years of traditional jai-alai in the United States. Now, both nouveau and old-skool jai-alai stand a chance. If you took the time to look at the TikTok numbers for Magic City, you'd see a ludicrous amount of interest in what Magic City is doing. Just give it time. It has to succeed...which will carry over to the traditional frontons succeeding. Just because you don't like it, don't denigrate it. It has a place in the world...and that place might be a lot more important than you'll ever give it credit for.

So sit back on the porch at your retirement community, country club or whatever gathering place you like to attend and complain about how the world is changing, and just for a fleeting moment, open your mind and allow jai-alai, in whatever form it may be, flourish. You think all of those guys who were horse-only folks and bad-mouthed the automobile were correct?


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