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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Goiko, jai-alai and the American way!

Good evening chalkies,

I just dropped the GOAT off at the airport, and he is now officially finished with his American chapter of jai-alai.

Reading some of the comments of this weekend, and analyzing it on my own, I thought it would be appropriate to comment. Normally, I wouldn’t.

So nobody is incorrect about Friday night. He had a bad night. He didn’t try, he was jetlagged, he didn’t care, he was extremely tired from other things happening around him, all valid points.

He didn’t hit the board, plain and simple.

One of the first things he said when he arrived to the Fonton Friday night Was I had hoped for a better turnout in my farewell tour.

Now granted, many decided to go elsewhere to watch others play the game.
I am not criticizing, just pointing it out.

On Saturday, the lights went out. The weather was bad, plenty of excuses for people not to come watch him.

Saturday night came and went with about 100 people in the audience, watching the goat end his career in the United States.

Sunday came along and another 100 people sat and watched him play.
He still spent about 20 minutes in the audience before game 9 taking pictures and signing things for people.
He even gave his Red Bull Cesta to one of the fans.

I’m not going to speak for him and I won’t say he was disappointed with the support and the turnout for his farewell tour, but I will say, and this is me speaking, it’s very easy to sit hundreds of miles away and criticize someone without knowing how he felt or even caring how he felt about his farewell tour weekend.

Now this is me speaking, I am very disappointed in the support that this supposed best player of his era got this weekend.

Say what you will about him, me, or even Dania , but take a look in the mirror when you’re laying blame. He came here for you, and very few came here for him!


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