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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
It was just a planning issue

Perhaps if it had been promoted more than 7-10 days, more would have had time to attend.

I remember a week before it was announced, you, and others, were saying you had a huge announcement to make...and yet, you held off way too long to announce it. What did Goiko expect? A 7-10 notice that he and Leke are coming and everyone is just supposed to be able to attend? I'm not mad...just saying. I already had full plans on the weekend, so attending for me was impossible. I already predicted Goiko would not do very well, and he did not. Frankly, he should have showed up way before Friday to be able to NOT be tired and get warmed up, if you will. To just show up Friday and start playing. Does he show up on Tuesday to play partidos at St. Jean de Luz on Tuesday night? I doubt it.

At any rate, I'm enjoying the season so far, though the play has more "green" players than last year, it surely is pretty good. My favorite is Urreisti. What incredible court positioning he has! I bet we will see him playing overseas soon. He's really good.


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