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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(6): Goiko, jai-alai and the American way!

My brother and I had already planned to be in Florida the week before Goiko played, in fact I didn't learn of his upcoming appearance until we already arrived in South Florida. I watched some of the games that Goiko appeared in online, and two things came to mind: Maybe he was nursing an injury, but didn't want to scratch at the last minute. That could be why he didn't make much of an effort on balls where the chance of winning the point were slim.

Another reason is that Father Time eventually catches up with everyone, even the best of them like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. Goiko might only be 43, but his game relies on power more than Aretio who played into his 50's through finesse and outcatching his opponents. I will say that Goiko is probably the best frontcourt player I have seen since I first went to jai-alai in 1990. One mediocre weekend should not diminish his accomplishments.


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