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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Here's to the next generation and Benny!

I don't know about you, but after last night, I have to say I'm very impressed with this latest group of kids now playing at Dania

They may have started a bit slowly/rusty this season, but check out the play in last night's replay on YouTube if you haven't already -frankly stunning points and skills are starting to occur and be displayed

If this three month tournament is the future of traditional Jai Alai in the USA, I'm fine with that - it only needs for more to recognize what's happening and wager on it/come watch it in person/spend some money in the casino, and it will pay for itself going forward, and who knows, maybe this can be the seed of future success for traditional Jai Alai in the US and globally as well

There should be some marketing here in CT, folks show up to Sports Haven still to watch Jai Alai, there must be some sort of promotion worth trying - Milford used to have 5000 a night in person on Fridays after all, those people are mostly still alive, anyway, someone needs do some proper PR strategy planning for the sport here at some point

Major kudos to Benny for making this happen, and happy holidays all

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