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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(3): Hate the 'poor planning' characterization

Yes, it's tough to get out to the fronton anymore, with all the kids and responsibility. My wife is recovering from her 4th (and thankfully final) cesarean surgery and isn't too keen on me being that far away. You made a good decision staying in that weekend, when Goiko played; the drive was a mental drudgery, with some extra risk.

Cool analysis on the right side passing shots of Goiko and Lopez. I'm not surprised by that rate of 85 to 90 percent; however, after years of watching both Miami and Dania, I believe the chic-chac winner was slightly more elusive at Miami. I suppose it always matters who's throwing it, and it helps (the 85/90% win rate) when the aggressor is almost 6 and a half feet tall, for court coverage and dealing with any rebote saves that high bounce off the front wall. It got me thinking, since you brought up Arriaga in your response to Mo. His right side was a thing of beauty, ideal for finding the chic-chac, especially on that Dania court. His windup was prob two-thirds that of Goiko's, and he rarely threw a 2:30 to 3 o-clock side-arm (when passing), like Lopez, from what I remember. He was more 1 to 1:30 on his arm angle. Anyway, I bet his win rate was right up there around 85%. The problem with Dania, though, is the floor is less predictable and you see guys very often, who appear to be in control, get beat by a high or unexpected bounce on the opponents rebote save. Ultimately it probably all evens out, on Dania vs. Miami court factors, and comes down to the player.


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