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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(1): Love Looking At The Facts

Its interesting reading the number cruncher analogies. I bet the jai alai syndicate back in the day had a finely tuned system, making money from the mass of illogical trifecta wagering going on when the CT frontons were new and packed. At any rate, its good to see Dania jai alai open for three months this season, hopefully they can draw in more bets in the future (& bigger tri payouts too). The owner should perhaps try to get business through wager apps and have some partido style games to accommodate the apps more easily. Dania jai alai helps the "sport" greatly with continuing to stay open and it would be really nice to see the jai alai grow back to being a profitable part of this Casino business.


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