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hits since 8/12/03
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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(3): Observation - old school thought vs new main stream

So my son who is a part of GenZ attends Jai Alai games at Dania with me and as a former promoter I always ask him what he likes and doesn't like. He likes the live games and thinks the online games look like 1970's with the out of date graphics etc. He had a few friends over to his place over the holidays and I pulled the Dania Games up on his Roku while everyone was there and their impression was the 19070's same.. Then I pulled up some games from ST. Jean and they were impressed! Music in between points, killer graphics and video. Dania has great announcers, an awesome facility and could easily surpass MC if the financial commitment were there. I hear about this WORLD Jai Alai and the investors and wonder if this is where the investment at MC is coming from? Maybe Z could enlighten us on the true relationship between World Jai Alai and Magic City as the reporting literature on this subject in the media is vague.. Is this World Jai Alai league with all these big names investing for real? Totally agree with the Horses view and then there is that pesky PETA issue..


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