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Re(2): My Biggest Biatch about Dania

I've posted this before and honestly believe that Magic City is on to something. Angeles does a fantastic job streaming the MC matches live on TikTok. She helps expose the sport to hundreds...if not thousands of potential new fans every single MC session. Dania needs their version of Angeles.

In the end, Dania and Magic City both benefit when the other is succeeding. The sport succeeds when both locations are doing well. I think the best approach is to create a strong partnership or possibly a merger and then focus energies on growth...not just from the gambling perspective, but also from people just taking a basic interest in the sport. Jai-alai has been dormant for quite a while (in regards to popularity growth)...and now a number of younger generations are looking for something to fill their time. Focus on introducing them to the sport and interacting with it (the interaction is something Magic City does a phenomenal job of...both between players and fans but also between Stu/Andrew and the fans.

The growth potential is there. Just need some visionaries, like Benny, Stu, Scott Savin and others to have their shot at growing. I'm on board...and I try to get others on board also...both the Magic City and Dania flavors. They're both legit jai-alai and should be talked about as such.


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