The Lost Islands


Here you can post questions, comments or concerns for the Global Mods. You can email us at if the matter is private, though please let us know as this address is not checked daily. You are also welcome to @Global Mods in the Discord server, or message us privately, but please be patient if we are busy or not online.

This is where you need to post to officially put yourself on away. If you are going to be away from the site or unable to post regularly for an extended period of time, you may go on away for up to one month, during which your characters will be protected from things like battles, raids and escapes. After this you and your characters will be considered inactive, and you will need to rejoin should you return.

For the sake of clarity, please clearly state 'away' or 'semi-away' in the subject line of your post, and make a new post stating 'back' on your return. While you are away you cannot post in-character, and any in-character posts will be classed as you returning and your characters will no longer be protected from that point.

You may also let us know here that you are 'semi-away', meaning posts from you will be slow, but all normal rules still apply to you.

If you wish to quit the game, please leave us a message here to let us know, though be aware that any characters without lineage (i.e. those who were not born or bred in-game) will be deleted from the Members page. All other characters will be listed as inactive unless you request for them to be deleted.

Global Mods: Loveinspired
General Mods: Ali, Mag, Muse & Pirate


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