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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(2): Dania Median Tri Prices:This Year Compared To Last Year

Use the sample variance of the mean formula.The median would have more variation than the mean if the
underlying distribution of tri prices was a normal distribution but it isn't-it is highly skewed.
I would take a slightly larger sample perhaps 1,000 rather than 500 for calculating the sample medians.

As for my request of Mo Crank, in addition to the median price this year compared to last year, I would also love to see the frequency distribution of the tri prices by intervals of every $50:
0-50,51-100,101-150,etc. If the median tri price is larger than last year (and I'm not sure it
still is because prices for the last 300 games seem more typical than the first 200 games) then I would like to see which types of tri's are causing the increase.It could be less chalk tri's or more tri's that are tougher to come in.

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