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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(1): Benny Drops TRUTH Bombs

I heard the comments from Benny that you are talking about. It was actually part of his response to my idea about having a weekend lunch buffet event focused around jai-alai, hosted by Benny and Dave and Dave.

I don’t think it is fair or correct to say that Benny is worried that people might come for jai-alai and then also play the slots. Or poker. Or eat at the buffet. Or whatever.

Quite the contrary, I think Benny would love to see people who enjoy jai-alai also spend time and money in those other areas. Yes he said he wants as many people in the jai-alai fronton as possible when it is open and running, but to me what he was saying is that the different departments can do a better job of working together. So that people who come to Dania enjoy all that they have to offer. And I think if someone did come to watch and wager on jai-alai and that person also played some slots or poker, Benny would be the first to say that’s great and it’s a win for the property.

Now the managers of the slots area may feel like they don’t want anyone who came to play slots wandering over to the fronton and watching jai-alai instead of playing the slots. They may see it as a negative. And I’m sure they are under pressure to compete with all the other casinos in South Florida.

BUT….if the do feel that way then to me they are being short sighted. Look at every major casino on the Vegas strip. They ALL have extravagant shows on their property, and most of them have multiple show options. People going to those shows means they have to leave the casino floor. So why do they have the shows? Because they know it’s about the total entertainment offering. That’s what draws people in, especially in a competitive casino area. As Steve Wynn says….nobody wants to go hang out in a “box of slots”…..they want the casino plus good food options and entertainment and an upscale vibe that is safe, etc etc etc.

So if the slots managers at Dania are “worried” about a short season of live jai-alai “taking away” from their slurs revenue then to me they’ve got it all backwards.

Benny correctly said too that they could use the players’ cards for both slots and jai-alai and then they could track info on wagers and learn how to better do cross-marketing and all that. So I think Benny completely gets it and isn’t in any way against people wagering on both jai-alai and slots. If anything maybe what we heard is a bit of frustration that he’s probably had ideas along those lines in the past that didn’t materialize because the other departments didn’t have the same perspective of cooperation to make everyone better.

We only have what we have now for live jai-alai because of Benny. It’s been his ideas that have given us this 3 months season. I truly believe that he’s probably had other great ideas that we don’t even know about.


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