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Re(1): Jim?!

I was going to post, but I know some won't agree, but here is my stance, which is what it's been all along.

Benny had made mention of me twice that I know of regarding the Pik 4...that I'd like to see it at Dania (which they did add back this season), and that I'd like it to be $1.00 (which they did), and that I felt no consolations should be offered EVER, unless it's a force pay and no one hits all 4. The reason is because this is not a horse track that generates millions a day in handle. Gulfstream pools are so big, they allocate funds for a 4 of 5 every card, as well as the main allocation for 5 of 5. In jai alai, a big pool for a Pik 4 pales in comparison. There is just not enough wagering money to do a consolation every performance. And when you do, what happens? Exactly what I've said all along. The payoff is so puny, like $6.00 maybe, it's not enough worth it, and it makes the bet look unattractive to wager on. I've wagered on it maybe 5 times this season (hit 1 alone for 4 of 4), but the way it's been lately, it's not working.

I still say, keep the Pik 4 next season, no consolations, and that would make the carryover be DOUBLE what it is now as a result. At least that could help it.

Too bad the casino won't pump in $500.00 to seed it all the time. They can afford to do that, given the revenue...or put some promotion into tied to the overall venue. If what some of you said that the casino is not promoting the jai alai, then that is bad, because you heard all the announcers constantly promoing the casino and food venues on the property. That's not fair.


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