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hits since 8/12/03
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Re(1): Inaki Vs. Goixerri

It really was a great match. Congrats to Inaki on recovering and getting back in form after his injury and sickness.

Andrew was saying that they scrapped the pro division of the USNJAC because the same 4 people were making it to the end but by my count, there are more potential winners. In singles, there are Inaki, Goixerri, Douglas, Manu, Zulaika, Jairo, Aratz, Nicolas, Benny, Olharan, Iturbide, Goenaga, and Manny. All of whom could win it on a good day. I do not know how many of them would be around to enter, as some of them undoubtedly go back home for the break. But even then, surely more than 4.

World Super Court does not offer the same possible doubles combinations with its emphasis on nationality, that USNJAC offers without that restriction.

Perhaps Scott is trying to save on prize money. Or perhaps Andrew is correct and they are bored of the predictability of the brackets.

Personally, I have always found the pro tournament at the USNJAC to be extraordinarily exciting - a sort of best of the best of MC that you rarely get in BC. The players really hit another level for that tournament. So it is a shame that they have nixed it.


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