The Lost Islands

With this heart I beg for forgiveness. (Bacardi & Toland)

Laying down in the Forest, Syrah let her head lower as she nuzzled her black and white child. He had been born about a week ago now, but she was content in just absorbing that she was a mother, finally. Her soft eyes gleamed with emotion, but she looked out towards the distance when the sound of unsteady hooves reached her ears. She had been aided through all of this by Toland’s herd, the young mares having come back and forth as if she was their mother, not someone else. Yet, Syrah only smiled when Roamer and Amarinora returned from their jaunt to find something other than worn down grass and leaves to eat.

Reaching forward, Syrah nuzzled the two mares before she looked to her son. He was named Crown Royal, but she called him Crown for short. He was a striking child with so much white over him that he looked almost max white. The dark strands of mane and tail with the black patches on him let her know he was two toned, but he was gorgeous all the same. Perking her ears, Syrah listened to Amarinora and Roamer before she chuckled with a faint shrug. “Yes, let's go show Bacardi his youngest child.” Grinning, Syrha moved then with the younger two walking behind her and making sure Crown did not get lost in their trek.

Moving through the Forest with her head raised high, Syrah weaved through the dense brush before finally spotting the stallion she searched for in the distance. Giving a soft whinny, Syrah smiled as the fruit of her labor moved to stand beside her and look all curious at his sire. She was so thankful Bacardi had given her this one child and she could barely hold back her smile when Roamer and Amarinora called to Toland, as if the young stallion needed to meet his half brother at this moment. However, Syrah knew that those two might be causing a bit of mischief this year and she watched as the two completely different mares walked off a ways to give her privacy. “I think you might have some cousins next year.” She whispered to her son, the cold looking at her with a bit of wonder in his eyes.

mare | 16hhs | bay dun pintaloosa | of the forest

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