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Hey "Lanterman"

If I could edit my last post, I would, I looked again at the thread and had forgotten that I didn't write the first post here, which you responded to thinking it was me. My nemesis in here wrote that...he's saved many of my posts and reposted them just to hassle me. Like Trumps turncoat lawyer said yesterday in court, "Well that sounds like something I would have said."

I still havent changed my view tho, if you don't like the business, don't come in here and bitch...get the hell out.

I'd mention that I never came in here until AFTER I was out of the business but ya dont quickly get R/TV out of your blood. As I've said in here before, after my last job in this market and I was looking to get into PR, which uses similar skills, a PR director who had been in TV, consoled me say, "Don't worry, there IS life after television."

She was right! But to make a mid career change, if you dont' want to lose too much income and get scared, get your next set of skills while you're working.

I went into computers but I learned those skills while in TV when I was in mid management and computers were just getting into newsrooms. For me, ONLY for me, that career wasn't as fun as creative TV, but my needs had changed....I had 2 kids to put through college and retirement to worry about. I was lucky I didn't lose much money that first year of my transition.

There IS life after the media Kent or Jim or whoever. But plan for it...its better that way because just as you can get into a better fit someplace, sometimes your new path isn't better. We don't get many do-overs at our age.


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