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Re(4): College Grads in the New World

People with short attention spans, I call em Seseme Street kids, aren't worth trying to reason with.

They lack discipline, intellectual curiousity to read anything longer than a tweet. Imagine airline pilots and designers who have short attention spans! They'll never get hired. Don't have big vocabularies. We THINK with words. If we dont know many we can't think too much.

Maybe that's why you're in broadcasting --you can't sit still long enough to read more than a liner card. I got nothing for ya. You didn't get it before 2nd grade, you won't get it now!

Behaviorist B.F. Skinner, said famously, "Give me a child til he's seven, and his mind is set...do what you want after that with him." A loose translation but he's basically saying if you raise him right early, he'll never be a dumb ass.


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