The Lost Islands

It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness


surrounded by darkness yet enfolded in light

Bacardi took note of Lakota’s hard mood swing. From being ramped up with fear, to now dully following after him as he lead her further inland. It seemed the satisfaction of knowing he was here had taken all of the energy from her and deflated the otherwise stoic mare. The painted stallion contemplated what to do next in the quiet that stretched between them. Only the sound of their footsteps and brush of vegetation along their sides filling in the void. All ideas he came up with in that little bit of time were abruptly tossed aside once they came to a halt in a thick stand of trees, and Lakota decided to open up just a little bit more.

He stood in silence, his black rimmed ears tipped towards her as she spoke. No, she didn’t need permission to leave. But Bacardi did wish she had told him before leaving, just so that he could wish her safe travels and know that she was okay. Now wasn’t the time to interject, and so he kept that to himself as he mulled over who him was. Lakota had admitted to Bacardi who her family was, being the daughter of Ironclad. Perhaps it was her sire she referred to? Although it wasn’t safe to assume, for now he did. It truly didn’t matter with her pain and sorrow so evident. Especially as she shifted closer to him and pressed her forehead against his lower neck.

Curving his neck to somewhat tuck her in closer, Bacardi reached over to brush his dark lips over her grey shoulder. For a little while, he didn’t say anything. There was something more comforting about simply being at times, and he felt that was what she needed from him in that moment. Just as she had so desperately needed him to be here in the Forest when she arrived.

“Even the blind would be able to see your strength, Lakota.” Bacardi said softly. “There are some things we never heal from, we only learn how to cope with better. It will take time to recover, but someday this pain won’t be so bad.” he said, firm in his belief of that. “And you are not alone….. not if you don’t want to be.”

mutt. bay tobiano. fourteen three hands. of the forest.


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