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Re(3): RECORDED NEWS is like day old donuts.

There's now two of us suggesting you get over your long term fixations, Jimbo.

As I've told you, dumbass,"trying to blow out somebody else's candle doesn't make yours brighter!" Did your ex have to endure your negativity until she no longer could?

How come you haven't jumped on those guys who rag on their corporate TV bosses? I've been suggesting for years that they look at the hired help just as a commodity and think of the talent, and even sales slugs as something to get the most value from without paying for it.

I know of only two owners I remember with respect for....former Senator Nancy K down in Wichita but currently surviving in Tennessee---and the guy who owned the 6 stations mostly in Okla but at the rock station where I worked down there as the Ed McMahon for John Forsythe and Ludlow. Storz' mgr was the worst, and the staff was scared of him. KSN was locally owned too so they were pretty decent to staff. Everything fell apart when Reagan handed over the broadcast industry to investors. They all got bought up and out like TWA did after Howard Hughes died and one of Trump's corporate raiders bought it and sold it for the NY to London routes and the rest for scrap. All the founders who invented broadcast are long since dead and their children and grandchildren sold it all because broadcasting was never their dream.

As to YOU, Jim, ever thought bout actually CONTRIBUTING? You should know enough to be a good read, but you never have in here. You sound like the bitter one and had to work at your kitchen table because you just weren't valued enough to promote into a cushy corporate job. I really don't know because you never share.

Do you just look for my posts in here? The only thing that changes about you is now you're calling yourself 'boogieman!" You change your moniker more than anybody I know.

BTW, did everyone read that the courts have outlawed restrictive covenants keeping broadcasters from going across the street but having to wait a year to do so? Courts said owners can't prohibit talent from making a living.

It was only such a contract that caused me to change my radio name without leaving the market. Do I 'hate' owners? No. I dont even hate Trump but he's unfit to govern and that would likely endanger the nation's welfare and his malignant narcissism scares world leaders because the only think he cares about is himself.

Expect him to take out the entire world as his last act before his lights go out. He'd be the kind of guy who would decide since HE won't be around anymore, why should anyone? I haven't seen any authors print that, but someone with influence will one day.

That's all I got for today...your turn boogieman, or shall I just paste your shit in here FOR you?


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