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Re(1): College Grads in the New World

So, as you run off from college and leap into the world of radio, television, online, and or social media let these ancient words guide your dive-

There is no net.
No one will want or care to help you.
Don't trust anyone.
Avoid being a "friend."
There are no second takes.
You won't earn what you feel you are worth.
You never will.
Avoid crying out loud.
If you think you have an issue, you certainly do. It's you and no one else.
Don't be a cliche.
Avoid cliches.
Your photographer, editor, producer, anchor, programmer, co-workers, and interns are you best enemies. Rely on them to kick your harder.
You may... might... probably... most likely...will never be.

So be happy with the choice you made and your next step. Avoid the sarcastic, pessimistic, dead looking people around you. Focus on what is important-YOU!!


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