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Re(2): College Grads in the New World

What you're telling us is 'stay away from people like YOU!.' Best thing to do is live your life to please yourself, not jerks around you because if they jump you, chances are any problems they have are worse than yours.

There was another guy in here, and what few are here may not remember but he decided since he WISHED he was in radio, and not just a time buyer, he stole rman's moniker for awhile and used it for himself. But he bored with it eventually, probably because everyone ignored his hostile musings.

I expect other than those in the business side of the media, college isn't really worth the investment unless its to a school for the performing arts. Most of the big Hollywood types refined their skills, many at big name schools in Cali or NY. Probably got em hired because they either new the finer points of performing, or they knew people who were already in it and they did you the favor of mentioning your name to the right people.

Not sure what Jim's point is in here trashing me all the time as opposed to teaching you useful things... but whatever.


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