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Re(7): RECORDED NEWS is like day old donuts.

That didn't reflect so well on your vengeful personality. You'l remember I quipped many times a few years ago that if your erection about me lasts longer than four hours, see your doctor.

Fact is, you jump me no matter what topic I've posted about. Guess me calling you narcisstic hit a deep nerve like hitting you in the head and you've had a nagging headache about it ever since.

That reason you chase me is all you've ever said when I pushed you hard enough.

I do stand by my view that yu're narcissistic but as I've also said, I don't have enough letters after my name to diagnose the reason for you chronic stalking. I always just assumed it really wasn't me finally calling you a narcissist. Since we've never met, I never stole your GF or cost you money, you're still pissed off because I criticized you for demanding your little public radio station install an elevator for you immobile kid to get upstairs to their studio. It was THEN your hostility began.

Why haven't you jumped the younger, bitter morons who badmouth their bosses by name instead? They remind me of Army privates who constantly bitched about the Army yet they keep reupping because aside from occasional wars, it's a pretty secure occupation.

Could be "I" am projecting because I am a bit type A myself. Do you remember Joe Shurtz? He was my ND at KLEO when I got there but I came up here for more money even tho I couldn't stand their button down corporate ways. LIke I've said coat and tie dress code at a rock station like WHB just didn't set well with me, I was an early 60s boomer, remember. WHB was worse corporately than my favorite radio stint, American Forces Radio. All draftees were slightly bitter about being interrupted fm their lives.

Anyway I returned to Wichita after only a year up here; kid born, Shurtz decided to leave news and go across the hall to sell time like you were doing.

He told me one thing always stuck with me. News people are always negative thinkers...it goes with the job. But sales people are always positive, it goes with THEIR jobs. He was right, except for you. You claim big success working at your kitchen table but without family holding you down, you could have risen like a star in your business. My dad had two agencies when I was a young teen so I do know a bit about your business, having hanged around his office, and his staff artist which appealed to my creative side. Dad forced me into acctg, marketing and Business admin which bored me to death. When I landed a radio news job at 19, I chose that as a career and left school, getting drafted 3 weeks later on the very day I enrolled at WSU to change my major to journalism. So much for parents grooming their kids to follow THEIR footsteps! We didn't do that with ours and they went into STEM careers. Not my long suit! I was and remain a creative. My talent was to found things, startups...but I never had the patience to maintain projects for the long haul. I wanted to move on and I did many times. While in the media for years, I did something different every couple years within it. Radio, TV, news, jocking, logistics management, then crossing over to the internet to use my self taught technical skills. I had fun, but yes I bored easily. You always said I couldn't cut it. It was what YOU do I couldn't do...long time selling over and over. I was in the media for the fun of it, the adventure, it was never boring. You were in business for the long haul and I just wasn't wired to do that. I expect except for my stint at HB, you made more money than I did in the media. You arent the first guy I know on the numbers side to brag about financial success. That IS what runs American commerce. It just wasn't for me.

Retirement's been so fun but I never could have survived without crossing over to a company that was very generous with their retirement benefits. Now comfortable, Im back writing, learning, doing online art and teaching stuff.

I dont know what you do in retirement, I always just assume you come in here to jack with me and nothing else. You dont' talk about anything else but me in here.

And on that happy note, I have to go cut the grass and play family guy beause company just came over. bye


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