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The WORST in TV = Sean McLaughlin

The McLaughlin Effect
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Sean McLaughlin was the Senior Vice President of News at Scripps for just over a year.

In that time, we all know what happened.

Scripps gutted their newsrooms, kicking many experienced people to the curb, both in front and being the camera.

Longtime Anchors were told their positions were being eliminated. News Directors were bounced along with General Managers.

Scripps got rid of many veterans and brought in much less experienced people at a much lower salary.

Scripps parted ways with McLaughlin, and many former and current Scripps employees were glad to see him get the boot.

McLaughlin didn't sit on the beach long before Graham Media hired him as their VP of News.

Many Scripps insiders told their colleagues at Graham to watch out, with McLaughlin now at the company.

Shortly after starting, we are now seeing many longtime vets at Graham stations being pushed out with buyouts.

Graham stations in Orlando, Jacksonville, Houston, and Detroit are seeing talent who have been on the air for decades announce that they are leaving.

It's like Scripps all over again, the difference being that Graham is being much more generous with the buyouts than Scripps. Scripps basically told the longtime staffers don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

An insider at Graham tells FTVLive that the company is hoping that enough of those being offered buyouts will take them. If they don't, the source says layoffs could be on the table.

If that does happen, Graham has hired the best hatchet man in the business to get rid of people.

"McGlaughlin is a McKinsey in disguise: his real pitch to companies is how he can save them millions of dollars.," said one person who worked under McLaughlin.

Stay tuned....


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