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core change.

As I'm sure you'll notice, there has been a big - and hopefully, the last - change in the Core.

The Core is now solely a political place - more of a "job" than a home. I'm still figuring bits of it out, but here's how it works for now:

Kaiser = ruler of the Core and of Shaman.
Kaiserin = the Kaiser's "chosen", or in a more easily understandable sense, his wife. Only children between the Kaiser and the Kaiserin can become Heirs; any other children the Kaiser might bear are illegitimate and have no claim to the throne.
Heir = will assume the Kaiser's role upon the Kaiser's death or abdication.

The Kaiser has the power to appoint the Government and to dissolve the Lower House. When the Lower House is dissolved, there must be a new election.

Elections are only held when the Kaiser schedules them.

The Kaiserin is chosen by the Kaiser and, once selected, she cannot be changed until the Kaiser abdicates/dies. A Kaiser can only ever have two Kaiserins in one reign if the first one dies prematurely. The Kaiserin has no power/influence/responsibility in the Core, and her sole job is to produce heirs.

The Heir does not have any power/influence/responsibility either, unless they are granted some by the Kaiser. The Heir is always the first-born son of the Kaiser x Kaiserin. If there are no sons, the first-born daughter inherits the throne. If the Kaiser and Kaiserin have no children between them, the throne is then passed to the next person in line - usually the Kaiser's brother. The Kaiserin herself can only inherit the throne if the Kaiser has no living relatives.

Dominated by the Chancellor. Ministers for War and Peace are experts in their respective fields who offer advice to the Chancellor and the Kaiser.

The Government has the power to propose new laws.

Consists of a representative or ambassador from each of the inner border territories. How the territories choose their representative and how frequently is down to them.

The Upper House & Lower House together make up the Parliament.

Consists of five MPs who are elected by the public whenever the Kaiser hosts an election.

Cannot be individually dismissed by the Kaiser/Government, but the Kaiser can choose to dissolve the entire Parliament and have another election whenever he wants.

Parliament can pass/reject laws proposed by the Government.

Laws passed by the Core must be abided by.

...We'll see how this one works xD Hopefully it'll be better than past systems.

Sorry about the Core continually changing, guys. It's problematic because I want it to be very political, but nobody else gets passionate about politics like I do D:

Of course, the key difference is the loss of the military/diplomats and, in its place, the creation of a new royal family on Shaman. FOR NOW, Mallos is going to rule as Kaiser, but that isn't a permanent fixture. He'll either pass the torch on to someone else directly very soon, or, knowing him, he'll select a Kaiserin and "produce an heir." ;p

In the next day or two I'll be looking to appoint a Chancellor and Ministers of War/Peace, so now is a good time to be kissing my feet if you're not already. :P An election to determine the 5 MPs will be held soon too. For now, the territory leaders have been placed as the representatives, but feel free to post an update to change that if you want to. :)

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