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inner border survey results & new survey.

On the left - no colour indicates no clear decision; lighter colour indicates vote outweighs the opposing view; darker colour indicates vote outweighs opposing view plus the no opinions.

Random text in the middle indicates suggestions people put in the additional comments box. The member votes and leader votes tables refer to the characters suggested as leaders for the unions. Everything else is abbreviated, so I hope the abbreviations make sense :/ They do to me XD

At this time, we're going to put the idea of unions on the backbench. They're not particularly popular, but they may be something to consider in the future.

There are a couple of points territory leaders should definitely take notice of:
- Some people wanted more contests/competitions/missions within territories, but the vast majority weren't bothered. Setting up contests in your territory won't necessarily appease people.
- There's fairly strong support for more rivalry between territories. People do not like that everybody's best friends at the moment - it might be an idea to stir things up a bit. This doesn't necessarily mean breaking alliances and declaring war overnight, but subtle plots for treachery (or even false treachery) etc which would develop over time would be supported.
- The territories themselves are fairly popular and there was unanimous support for you to be able to update them yourselves. Rest easy ;)
- One suggestion recommended that territories specialise more (eg a military territory, a diplomatic territory, etc) because at the moment they're all the same. We all know the two caste military/diplomats concept works so people don't like to deviate from that, but it might be to your advantage if you do.

Obviously, I can't force territory leaders to follow any of those suggestions - all I can do is point out to them that this is what people want. Or say they want, anyway ;)

LP... very popular, which is nice to know. Empires aren't as popular, although this table is deceiving - there were two questions which were basically the same but worded differently, and many (if not most) contradicted themselves on these. Lots of people said for question 1 that they did not want empires, but then lots of people said for question 9 that they liked the idea of empires. So. XD

Going to do some more OOC polls and discussions on the subject of LP and empires. I like the suggestion one person made on population minimums in colonies... this means that as well as having to trade LP, you'd also have to have x number of members in your territory before you can get a colony, and then x number of members each in your territory and colony before you can get another colony.

However, I should point out that at the moment, colonies are run as separate territories - it does not have to be this way. Colonies can act as one unified whole. For example, if you have a base territory and 2 colonies, the base territory can be where the children and settlers live; one colony can be your military branch; and one colony can be your diplomatic branch. All members can integrate between all three territories - it's basically a single institution split across three boards. You don't have to do that, of course, it's only an option - but there's a lot more that can be done with empires than I think people realise.

Unfortunately for you guys, there are a couple of points I disagree very strongly with public majority on ;) One of them is that LP should be easier to get. Making something easier reduces its value instantly. Here's an example - last year we cast a poll asking people if they'd want 20 LP, 50 points or 1 coin. The majority wanted 1 coin, and when asked why they said it was because coins are the hardest to get hold of. If you make something less rare, it doesn't become so much of a challenge to get or so much of an achievement once you've got it.

But, we shall see ;)

Here's the new survey, on the subject of moderators: click to take the survey.

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