The air is heavy as you make your way through unknown territory, as you pause to sniff the air a drop of rain falls onto your nose. It is soon followed by another and another and soon the rain is pelting down in sheets, soaking you to the bone. The clouds are an angry purple and the menacing drumming of thunder rolls over the sky. Squinting your eyes against the blinding water you find yourself at the edge of a large, dark pine forest. You are too desperate for shelter to notice the scents that mark the border and plunge in, and nearly into the chilly stream that runs through the territory. You veer away and as you are shaking the water out of your fur you notice a large pair of icy blue shards gazing at you. The storm has passed now and beams of sunlight filter through the thick canopy of pines, illuminating a massive male wolf not three feet away from where you stand.

His pelt looks like a bad patchwork job of black and white and beneath them you see large, hard bands of steely muscle and you know this is a warrior for his torso is marred with many battle scars. His banner curls over his back and his lips are drawn, exposing sharp ivory daggers. When he speaks his voice is deep and dominant, like the thunder you so recently heard.

"Wolf, you have found yourself in the terra of the Andere Seite Pack. I am Eclipse, king of this land."

It is only then that you notice another pair of lanterns gleaming in the penumbra and a dark-pelted fae slinks out into the clearing to stand next to the king, her own banner waves and her green and blue eyes bore into you. She is the same size as most males and a crisscrossing pattern of scars show that she too can take care of herself. Her voice is cold and has a snake-like sound to it yet you can see they are both fair rulers.

"And I am Nephthys, queen of Andere. We don’t care much for strangers so you must make your choice, Submit to us now or flee our lands and never return. If you fail to do either you will have little time left to regret it."

The formidable pair pierces you with their gaze and you feel as if all your secrets spill out before them. You are left with a decision now. Will you submit and take refuge in this dark forest or will you flee and never know what secrets these trees hide? Make haste, you can see that the pair grow tired of waiting.



The trail was old, cold and not too freshly stamped into the earth, instead, it hung a few centimeters above it, slowly eroding into the gentle breeze that tugged it this way and that way. Baroq had to zig zag back and forth, then came a stream and it seemed the intruder had gotten smarter about his tracks and his scent. He could smell him here, but not either way for a two minute run. He paced back and forth, finally choosing right, when the intruder had actually looped his tracks and chosen left; towards the whelping dens where more food was stored. But it was less than the heartland of the pack, but closer to the borders. Baroq took a guess and got it wrong, but he didn’t yet know and so set his speed to maximum and galloped towards the heart of the terra and the biggest store of hidden supplies. He had, until now, not alerted anyone else, but now sent out a tentative alarm call to alert the rest of the pack. This intruder would not leave lightly.


As he expected, a heavily pregnant fae loped through the trees, she looked tired, weak even. She had absolutely no chance of beating him in the pathetic scrap he knew she would start. She was almost puffing from the movements to simply stand in her proper rank, he was tempted to immediately overpower her and do what her pleased, be it a painful slow death or a little pleasure for himself. Impact watched as she threw half empty threats his way with little emotion and let a cruel smile spread over his face. His immediate plan was to flee at first being discovered, they had no reason to chase him far beyond the borders and so his lithe frame wouldn’t have to use much of his stolen meal. More would be used into making reserves and that was his ultimate plan. Stealing was better than hunting, because hunting required more effort than it was worth for a smart loner. Stealing came with added, definitive greater risk, but required only stealth and smarts. He didn’t happen to enter the pack when both alpha’s were away and it was very quiet, by chance it had been the opportunity he had been waiting for. He had crept in unnoticed, but now that had changed.

She spoke protectively of her den and he sniggered. His accent was peppered with twangs, much like the now extinct Texan breeds.

Well now Darl’ don’t be frett’n over your den now. I ain’t gonna touch yur puerty den, no dun’ you wurry ‘bout tat

He sniggered again, half open mouth allowing hisses of air to escape in a barely audible laugh. The sound was quite purely evil and he loved the slight echo that rippled around the fascia of the forest. It was very dim light under the thick velvet canopy and it never failed to give the impression of everlasting twilight. Thunder rolled out, shocking the short silence between them and lightening followed not long after and he sniggered again, ignoring the sudden change in weather. It began to spit with fat drops of rain and he advanced forward as another flash of white lit up the sky. His paws now made a slapping, moist sound against the damp ground and the rain started to shower as more thunder boomed so loud you could feel within your lung cavities. He exposed his teeth.
A cruel smile.

Y’all in pup fae’s are all similar in tempur; y’all see. Y’all speak without think’n furst. Y’all try me and see what hippen’s to yur un’live babes now.

A growl echoed in his throat as he snapped his teeth, daring her to try and fight him. He already promised her the loss of her children; he already envisaged ripping them out from her belly and making sure each one of their bellies was also ripped out. He would make sure there was no chance. No chance of life. He wouldn’t attack her until she attacked him, he wanted to be aware of all his surroundings and make sure no other half grown pup snuck up on him and took a lucky bite. He snarled, uttering a fierce growl, one might think he was defending something also. Perhaps it was his ignorant pride.

[OOC: Bring in Jena and have them spar then I'll bring in the big guns.]


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