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part three.


"What's provoked this?" Patrick demands to know. "We can't plan our defence until we know for sure what he wants!"

"You imbecile." Joel growls at him and gestures to Aura. "You have the idiocy to ask what provoked this?"

Adonis bites back his scathing retort after Aura throws a warning glance his way, but he doesn't bother to keep the dirty look off his face, which Joel responds to with one of his famous scowls. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife; not one person isn't expressing some degree of distress in some way. Aura's mouth is set, Nimueh is shaking slightly and Arthur is pacing the room and fingering his sword; the pitch of Patrick's voice is high to the point of hysterical, Joel is grumpier than usual and Adonis looks like a little dog who has just had his bone taken away. Their respective familiars (and Penguin, who spends a good deal of time moping after Aura when he isn't loyally guarding Poppy's bed) seem less affected, although they are, by and large, keeping quietly to the background.

"The most important thing now," Nimueh's calm voice shines like a beacon across the group, "is that we focus on how to defend Set-Merut."

Elle moves quietly into the foreground, some scrolls of paper held firmly in her mouth. She's tall enough to not need to stand on her back paws to reach the table; depositing the scrolls there, she lets Arthur roll them out and sinks silently back into the shadows. He rifles through the papers, bringing a map of Apeliotes Island to the forefront and spreading it out over the table.

"Mallos hasn't yet worked out how to get himself through our magical barriers, but his men can get through. There aren't as many of them as there are of us, but there don't need to be if he can launch a surprise attack... if we don't know where they are, we'll have to spread our forces thin to cover the borders and then we're done for. Intelligence is key here - "

"Our forces won't be spread too thin if we only focus on one area to defend." Patrick points out.

Adonis says, "and let the rest of Set-Merut fall?" At the same time Joel retorts, "The buildings here are scattered, not like in Per-a'a Nakht where Mallos only needs to defend his bloody castle. Apeliotes Island is a defence strategist's nightmare. If we retreated inside one building they could still do a hell of a lot of damage to the rest of the island which would seriously hamper us."

Arthur dips in before Patrick can reply. "Our best chance is a counter attack."

This, naturally, brings up a storm of protest in which everybody has an opinion and nobody wants to listen to anyone else's. The discussion gets ever more heated, until...


The room falls quiet.
Everyone knows what that sound means. The loud 'bang', like a firework, denotes the sound of a spell going wrong - although recently it's held a new meaning for the members of Set-Merut. Whenever Mallos makes an offhand attempt to magically penetrate the borders of Apeliotes Island, the noise sounds as an indication of his being repelled. Every time that bang sounds, Mallos has narrowed down his breaking and entering options. Aura has admitted that fairy forts aren't impenetrable, and it's only a matter of time until he stumbles across a way of getting in. If he does succeed, there will be no warning.

A creak, like feet on a wooden floor, is heard by everyone in the silence. All eyes turn to the only door in the room. They all seem to be holding their breath.
Something collides with the door from the outside, causing a loud crashing noise which makes several people jump and Patrick scream and leap into Joel's arms. Joel promptly drops him with a scowl and edges closer to Nimueh, who had sunk, quivering slightly, into a chair. Adonis moves slightly in front of Aura and makes eye contact with Arthur, who has already drawn the sword from his belt. The door handle rattles ominously. Penguin retreats under the table with his tail between his legs, but Itzal and Elle crouch down, ready to fling themselves at Mallos. There's another crash as whatever it is collides with the door again, and this time (probably thanks to the rattling of the doorhandle) it bursts open.

Arthur, determined to protect his mother, leaps to the forefront of the group and tightens his grip on his sword as a body flies through the air and lands at his feet. He doesn't so much as spare it a glance - already he's running for the door, weapon raised. The Mjolnier is confused by the sudden appearance of a whole group of people - while it blinks and tries to get its wits back, Arthur neatly decapitates it. The monster is dead before its head hits the ground. Arthur wipes his sword on his tunic and turns back to the group, who have all crowded around him. Several people congratulate him on his quick actions while others wonder aloud how the beast got in. Over the hubub, one extremely sour voice silences all the rest.

"Typical. I tramp across half the island to get here and you're all more interested in a dead monkey."

Poppy picks herself up and dusts her combat trousers off. She waits until every eye is on her before shrugging and spreading her arms.

"By the way," she adds with a wicked grin, "guess who's back, losers?"

    • part two. -
    • part one. -

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