we were so tired yet so alive

Hey, kid, you've got, a lot of potential
but I think its time to move up, so go on and blow us away with your sound;
Now you're everything that we've come to love,
you taught us to move, so we'll show it off,
just drop us the beat...

Patrick blinked as Alexi spoke, though refused to be put off. He continued his rant, stabbing his finger in Alexis chest. He was trying to show he wasn’t intimidated by the larger fairy. And, in truth, he wasn’t. Not really. Though, the love vibes that circled around him, breathing gently on his neck, caressing his cheek and kissing his eyelids every time he blinked. He was almost thrown into a false sense of happiness. But when Alexi places his hand on Patrick’s cheek, the boy blinks again, before glaring as Alexi speaks. Patrick listens as the man speaks about his children, their children so offhandedly. The pale boy scoffs, knocking Alexi’s hand away with a sharp slap and a zap of electricity, enough to make the red hand spasm slightly, the muscles clenching. Patrick stared back into Alexi eyes, the silver orbs cold and hard, glinting like daggers.
Don’t give me that! Of course I’m pleased to see you, but only coz that means Adia Reshil’s near by.
He huffed again, his rucksack shook slightly as the diamonds within begged to be let out, responding to the power that coursed through Patricks silver veins. The blood continued to dribble from his lip, and the boy turned his head slightly, spitting it out.
And don’t bull with me Alexi. I know you always went to visit them whenever I wasn’t there. You think I’m stupid? Lolli could smell you ever time. Frodo and Adia wouldn’t shut up about how much fun they had with “raddy” aka “the red daddy” aka YOU!
Patrick blinked at the jibe at Frodo, so obvious.

And Patrick felt his anger grow inside him. He glared daggers at Alexi, feeling a faint blush come on his face. Frodo was an amazing little boy. Only, Alexi saw his asthma as a weakness. But, Frodo was strong, so much so. He disobeyed Lollipop, and went in search for Adia the first time she ran off. He had an asthma attack, yet still searched for the girl. He refused to go home, until she did, and sat in the Old Ruins for a day, waiting for her. Finally bringing her back home. And now, he had left the large family, searching for his sister. ON the way he had acquired a Chinchilla familiar, lost his asthma, found a coin, and gained the power of invisibility. All on his little own some. What had Adia done? Whatever she had, it was with Alexi. Patrick felt so blind with rage, he turned back to Alexi, the electricity crackling over his flesh.
He spits at Alexi, before bringing his fist round. There was a small crack as his knuckles popped, and pain flared in his hand, but the boy followed through, allowing his punch to split Alexi’s lip, and cause bruising. He stood there, almost proudly, speaking carefully, each word containing so much raw anger. Behind him, Lollipop’s eyes were wide in shock. She hadn’t expected Patrick to thump someone…ever. Let alone Alexi. Let alone in their face!
Let’s get something straight Alexi, ok? Adia has followed in your footsteps, and to be honest, I’m disappointed. If anything, she’s the let down. Frodo has done so much, he’s branched away from both of us, and become his own person. He’s loyal, honest, brave. He’s everything you’re not Alexi. He’s everything you should want to be.
Patrick poked Alexi in the chest again, glaring up into the black eyes.
He’s done so much, on his own. Adia had your help. She had your guidance. Frodo had no one. He refused any help. I always thought of Adia as the strong one. But she had to have you to help her. Frodo survived for weeks on his own! So don’t you dare-
The boy’s voice became low, threatening and, for once in his life, menacing.
-don’t you dare say he “isn’t any good.”

After the rant, he’s caught off guard by Alexi lifting him up. He felt the pins and needles flare at where his pale flesh touches the burning red. He hears Lolli’s roar, but speaks quietly.
Stay with the snake. Keep an eye on it. I’m immortal, what can happen?
He stops her from ranting about anything and everything bad that poured into her mind, that could happen to him. It’s an odd sensation, feeling weightless. It’s both sickening and thrilling at the same time. This sensation usually happens when you’ve accelerated downwards quickly, when your acceleration due to gravity is larger than the upwards forces (such as air resistance and friction). This “loosing your stomach” feeling only seems to last for a second, but it’s always enough to get your adrenaline pumping. With Patrick though, neither he nor Alexi are falling. He doesn’t understand, flinching slightly as Alexi double grips his hand tightly. It’s the hand that punched the red demon, and Patrick shudders slightly.

The sudden burst of light, of pain, Patrick cries out, clutching at Alexi harder. But, just as fast as it’s there, it’s gone. The boy blinks, widely. His grey eyes look around in wonder. Patrick’s eyebrows crease together, recognising this place. He tried to tug his hand out from Alexi’s, staring at this large world. But the red man keeps a tight grip on the boy’s fragile fingers, and Patrick is forced to stay beside the large man. Paddy looked around in wonder.
I know this garden.
His voice was near silent as he spoke. But Alexi didn’t seem to hear him, responding with a question about this place. Commenting on their children. Patrick squinted at the star crafted garden.
It’s…the Starground. It’s like…a meeting place in worlds. I heard Aura talking about it. Anyone from any world can come here. It changes slightly, on who’s looking at it. This garden, it’s from my travels, before I came to Shaman. But, all those other gardens, are other people. They won’t see a garden though.
The boy blinked, before pointing.
Look, Adia and Frodo. You said something about a boat? So we see them in a garden, but they’ll see a boat, and they’ll se us in a boat. At least…I think so.
Patrick sighed, turning to Alexi.
What do you want Alexi?


Sunrise through the window pane, where tired eyes will close....
Stay seventeen, the party scene has got the best of me and you,
we've got to let this go...


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