Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


this is what I have brought you

this you may keep.

There are those times in life where a precipice lies before you, where your feet halt but a sense of inertia has taken your body and you sway over the chasm of life and death, success and utter failure, with nothing but a giddy sense that soon you will not have to be in control. Soon, you can let go as you never have before. But you are not irrational, there is still a way back, but it is thick with thorns and foliage the likes of which you have encountered and have not enjoyed quite so much. Nothing is as enjoyable as the slight wind brushing past your cheek, holding it as it would the soft, innocent skin of a child, drawing you away from the darkness and shadows that swallow the path from which you have come. Soon, it promises, you will be without worry.

Soon, you will be free.

The ground had already fallen away from Omni’s paws when he looked back and glimpsed her, had held her in the stare of a thousand nights practiced with the stars. Her shadowy bodice, heart entangled with thorns, fiery words that seeped off of her tongue akin to molten lava as they burned in the heat that suffused his body which the wind failed to alleviate. The aftershock of her glorious touch, it lingered on him, around him, in every molecule that she had graced, and tingled even with the ground to restore what he had been. The sound of her shifting drew his attention; her indecision was something he had been unprepared for. His curiosity could not withstand leaning towards her, an acute loss of balance made evident by the swift kick of his raven paw to remain in his position. The sun burned his eyes, smoking the wariness and emotions until the evaluated stare he used to boast settled itself in a righteous flush upon his façade, too late to appease her when her rant began. Occasional tendrils of madness lingering in his brain shifted restlessly, prompting him to leap up and force her into taking his life…but it was not possible. The sentiments shackled any words that could have restrained Satowra, his own will thrusting him to the surface. She had, he noticed, become quite the lengthy speaker since they had first met.

And suddenly there was a fierce thrum in his own chest fighting to break from his vocal cords, at her words such as hate, revenge, merciless, love. Such hope had never flared in his dull heart. What was it, that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone? He acknowledged the truth in the words with bitter regret, for never had he felt so strongly for her, not even in the simplistic bliss they had once harbored, until she had stood here and professed her love for a wolf, a world, that had wronged her. He wanted to proclaim to the world of her, her beauty and her magnificence that welcomed the devil into its soul as such a ghostly wraith as he, but could not. Omni could only watch, the solidity in his limbs liquefying, as her cool touch greeted him to compliment her gentler words, allowing him to rise to her, to come back to her.

But he was already over the edge.

His thoughts scrambled with no basis for coherent response, tumbling into an infinite amount of space that only moments ago he had embraced with the warm arms of one greeting an inevitable fate. Her intellect defied any wants that he ever had, choked them from the roots so that they could never take residence there again. But it was too late; he sighed heavily.

He was already falling.

Satowra’s expectations permeated the air, a wish he could not leave unspoken any longer. He shut his eyes in reassurance to himself, that if things headed south he would always have the darkness to return to as he had needed it practically his whole life. With a shudder, he had stood and released what tension still bore hostility from his demeanor, giving his pelt a shake that threw the alabaster hairs wild and unchained of their greasy proximity to his skin. A slight head cock; studying her once more, internally gauging an answer that would satisfy the words she sought from him. The current silence was not uncommon; he had always been a rather stately brute, but the nobility of the wait was lost now, it was obvious he was merely wrestling with himself for more time. In all their time apart it seemed wrong that he should want more, more to his personal endeavors. What time Omni’d had to pull himself together had been wasted, just as he had. It was so wrong, then, to cast away from her questions in fear, to let this madness bludgeon any sensibility his brain had held to death. With the pull of his fates drowning him like gravity, the titan tried for a calming tone to prevent the rising insanity, before things ended, once more, in tragedy.

“To hate is to subjugate, to tear apart in order to find some little hand hold, some little purchase in a wolf to pour anger into. I cannot hate you, so I keep it bottled up inside! I hate myself, my life, my actions, and my intentions that you question could not be farther from the truth. I came here not for me, but for you, so that revenge may perhaps clean your heart of cobwebs and you may start fresh without me here, me, who should be your one sworn enemy on this earth... I held the most minor of hope for us, Satowra. A fool, I thought that what love we had had been slaughtered by my constant misdeeds too often to be resurrected, but here it is, alive, shining in your eyes. And it brings tears to mine, you who have never seen me cry, break the dam of my feelings and see what it is truly like in my soul, as it was without you a bleak and love-less thing.” He nudged the air before his nose, his long-winded responses leaving him breathless and torn as her tears burst anew on her muzzle and he could not prevent his own from meeting the world. The broken titan moved towards her slowly, brought his nose to the salt of her being and licked it softly, ever so gently, as a bee treats the most delicate flower. She was not looking at him, she refused to, and it broke his heart all over again to see his wariness change hands.

“The ghosts of my past tell me that nothing I do, nothing I try will ever be successful, and I have been chained to them in recent times like I had never been before. The light of our love--extinguished. But they were wrong! Know now that I had discovered it soon as your scent bequeathed my nostrils, but in the throes of my epiphany came such sorrow that it eclipsed my joy, because you were not there and I never expected you to be again. I begged you for the only forgiveness I thought that would be proper of what I have done, and all that I have failed to do.” Desperately seeking her eye: “This world has done me no wrong but opened my eyes to how I have failed to manipulate it properly.” The last section of his ‘speech’ softened whatever tones, in their fluctuating volumes, had erupted before, coming from a place of urgency within his heart.

“Understand that I did not return to harm you. I have not thought straight within the span of many years, but the tug of our memories together were always a place of refuge for me. The mix of such fear and exhilaration once created between us has since been an integral part of my being, as are you. My thoughts feel guilty from straying from you, yet they cannot stay away, and that misguided reason brought me here to you on one track that I had thought appealed to the nature of your wishes. Know that… know that I am sorry. For everything.”

And he had hit rock bottom.

[o o c: ahah thanks dear:) you are amazing!!!! It’s so gratifying to see how you, through Satowra, have grown so much as a writer in such a short span! There is a raw emotion in her posts that, as being involved with their situation as I am, is beautiful and rare, you have a great talent! I just can’t believe it, I’m getting more and more muse for Omni where I hadn’t had any for so long at all!!! O.o ahah and well, you know me, just a lucky fish ;) hehe., jk but yours is very elegant, I have one just like it for another charrie that I have (minus the awesome picture of course) and that’s sometimes what I love reading about some character’s post, the simplicity adds to it where flashiness would have taken away. If that makes sense? (; <3]


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