Kalinka? Malinka?

A message I've thought far too much about
Maybe it'll reach somebody, who can say?
Well, certainly, I've always been this way
A patched up, crazy matryoshka doll

Name: Matryoshka “Matty”
Gender: Female
Age:19 years
Defects: None to speak of yet.
One of the best forms of expression is through appearance. At least that is what Matty believes. People are individual pieces of artwork. This could very well be another “every one is a unique and beautiful snow flake” theory, but Matty likes to look at it a bit differently. Your painting is only as unique as you make it. A lot of people like to stick with black and white. Sure there are subtle differences here and there, but those type of people never really go anywhere in life. The real interesting people (or pieces of art depending on how you want to look at it) are the ones that have layers and layers of detail. Let's start with the most basic of layers, the canvas. Naturally Matty is short in stature. When you are of Asian (more specifically Japanese) decent you tend to lack in the height department. Now factor in the fact that she's a low level faerie, and it isn't hard to understand why she is only five feet tall. As far as build goes she is pretty petite and delicate looking. Don't let that fool you. Not all muscles have to be bulging and thick. She has muscle where she needs it. Along with her delicate figure she possesses dollish features, but we'll get around to that. After years of struggling with acne her skin smoothed out quite nicely. She has a lovely pale pigmentation, and has yet to gain any scars. Like any Asian her eyes are almond shaped. Unlike the status quo for her race her eyes are a brilliant shade of green. Not that it ever really mattered. When she was living with her parents she made it a habit to buy colored contacts. Why? Well why not?

Hair is to be talked about separately. Genetically speaking her hair should be brown bordering on black. Nature can be so uninspiring can't it? Fortunately there is something to counter act nature's lack of creativity, hair dye. In her life time Matty has had red, pink, purple, blue, white, and even multi colored hair. At the moment she is sporting pale blond locks. Length and style very and are subject to change as much as the color. Right not it falls just below her chin. Hair accessories are also a must. A day with out something adorning you head is a bad day, or a lazy day. Take your pick.

Onto the fun part, clothing. The only colors that are not in Matty's wardrobe are the one's she deems boring. This is also something that can change on the fly. One day yellow may be her favorite, and the next it very well could be banished to the trash. Walking into her closet alone could probably count as an acid trip. There is no order to anything, and the colors are just thrown together. To her there is no difference between formal wear and casual wear. There is no such thing as a costume. If she feels like dressing up in a tutu for a walk in the park, then she will put on a tutu. To make things a bit easier it will be noted that her favorite ensemble usually consists of a hoodie, skirt/shorts, knee high socks, and some form of boot.

Overall she isn't a bad looking girl. There is no denying that she is bold and out there. Her odd ball image really works in her favor. By no means would she describe herself as beautiful. In fact she would probably laugh, pat you on the head, give you a cookie, and then send you on your way. Never use that word to describe her. More appropriate words would be cute, adorable, child-like, and even cuddly.

And, if you please, will you keep dancing more and more?
Kalinka? Malinka? Just hit the damn chord
All these feelings... What should I do?
Can't you tell me? Just a little of your time


If her outlandish wardrobe doesn't put up a huge indicator that “Hey, this chick is really far from normal” then hey, congrats, you're a retard. Matty is a very bold individual. No she doesn't blaze forth on a trail to certain glory. She's just loud (not in a volume kind of way). The opinions of other's are seen as insignificant, Don't take that the wrong way and thing her a snob. She doesn't think she's better then any one (to a degree), she just doesn't care what people think. Especially when they are being stupid.

Most people have this little thing in their mind that tells them when and when it's not a good idea to say something. In layman's terms, “Think before you Speak”. Let's call this thing a “word mouth” filter. Ninety five percent of the time Matty does not have this filter. Good news! If you are looking for someone to be brutally honest with you then you're golden! Bad news? It is incredibly hard not to offend people. What makes that worse? She gets a kick out of the way people react. The more over the top reaction she can get out of person the more amused she is. Sometimes she doesn't know where to draw the line, and that is not a good thing.

The concept of “good” and “bad” do not exist to her. Normally children are taught there is a consequence for everything you do. If you break mommy's favorite vase then you get punished. If you bring home good grades you get rewarded. Never happened for Matty. Her parents “forgot” that this little trait wasn't just programmed into the child when it was born. She acts completely on impulse, and it is very hard to make her feel guilt. She still feels emotions, but her reactions to certain things are definitely different. Needless to say this has gotten her into trouble, but Matty is smart. Don't think smart in a “I'm great at math” kind of way. She is very clever and a great actress. She can cry at the drop of a hat, and she'll lie to you with out even batting an eye. She's never really understood what it means to feel remorse (or compassion for that matter), and it makes her ruthless with out even meaning to. How can she feel bad when the notion of “doing something evil/wrong” doesn't exist to her?

In the play of power and or politics she doesn't mind taking the back seat. Don't misunderstand, being manipulative and toying with people is fun. Unfortunately there is a lot more that goes into leadership, and the intricacies of politics are ridiculously boring. Factor in the amount of effort you actually have to put in just so people like you, and she is ready to beat her head against a door. Her attention span is non existent, so trying to lead a group of people would end badly.

Clap your hands just like a little child
And watch me as I dance to this insane rhythm
Well certainly, I don't care either way
The warmth of this world is slowly melting away

Born in Japan, Matty is the result of two lovers that thought they were ready for a child. Unfortunately they were not ready. Funny how that works. This isn't to say that they were terrible parents that beat her every day and starved her. They were just clueless. Have you ever seen two idiots try and raise a child? Well Matty is a result of such a thing. Up until the age of ten she was never punished and never rewarded. This is how she permanently developed the inability to tell “right” from “wrong”. To be honest her parents never really thought anything about it. You know... Until she stabbed her cousin in the hand. When asked why she did it she merely responded “He had something I wanted.” Apparently the adults thought it was horrible, but in her mind she was just getting what she wanted. If he got hurt that was his problem. If he had just given it to her when she asked then the situation would have been avoided completely. That was when her parents tried to start in on the punishment system. To bad it was to late.

When the punishing thing didn't work her parents developed a weird fear of her. For the next five years they coddled her even more. Her parents were always scared she'd just snap one day kill them and burn down the city. It was a ridiculous notion. She wasn't a demon or anything. It's not like she had any powers. They ended up dying anyway. Funny enough it wasn't by her hand. Her father ended up getting into debt because of this terrible gambling problem he had. After missing oh so many payments some gangsters came around and killed them. You, she just walked in after school and found them laying on the floor with bullet holes through their foreheads. What did Matty do? She shrugged her shoulders and went on with her day.

It wasn't until a week or so later that she finally contacted the authorities. By the time they got there the house smelt awful and the bodies were decaying. Appalled they asked her why she took so long to call them. Matty told them that they hadn't smelt like that when she first found them. Now the stench was making it hard to study.

Needless to say her total detachment from the situation earned her a trip to the loony bin. She spent her fifteenth birthday in a psyche ward. At first it had been quite fun. Doctors were a riot to toy with and extremely gullible. For months she'd concoct one outrageous thing after another to get some kind of reaction. Soon their reaction became repetitive and she lost interest. All in all she spent a grand total of a year and four months in the sanitarium.

Closing in on her seventeenth birthday she was placed in foster care. For a while she played the role of a traumatized girl on the road to recovery. Alas, like everything else she grew bored. She started sneaking out and skipping class. Nights were spent in a nearby park, and during the day she'd sneak back home to sleep. Eventually her foster parents caught on, and anytime she was found sleeping in her bed during school hours she was sent right back. That was just irritating. When she turned eighteen they just kicked her out.

The next year was pretty crucial. Now homeless Matty ended up bumming off what few friends she had. Nobody seemed to mind. It was just Crazy Matty after all. On occasion she'd show up for a meal and then disappear. No one really knew where she went, or that she was hiding out in the park most of the time. During her little stays in the park she met another faerie. At this point she learned what she was. See, mommy and daddy had kept this little tid bit of information from her. How nice oh them! She was then informed of Shamen. All this time she could have been in a world far more interesting then this one. Who would have known.

How 'bout you and I meet for a rendez-vous?
Rendez-vous? Just a rendez-vous?
How 'bout on an adventure, just me and you?
With a crooked gait we'll run off, 1, 2, 1, 2!


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