Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Heaven nor Hell [ Tamlin&&Twilight ]

F a n t a s i a
| Female | Age | Mate to None | Bright Moon | unranked | word count: 813

Panting rather wildly, my breath came in short bursts and my heart beat quite crazily inside my chest, threatening to burst through. With a smile gracing my obsidian kissers, I let my line of vision fall upon Twilight's dark cloaked frame. Nodding my head in her direction, my features seemed to say: 'Great job! Due to the shortness of breath, I dared not to let my lyrics stretch into the atmosphere, but yet I let my emerald stargazers trail down the two carcus's that lay before our paws. Twilight Dreams and I had taken to the idea of Tamlin's: We had cut both of them off from their contact with the group they had wandered from, which was due to their own stupidity and lust for the grass that the others were yet to get to. After a wild chase, the fatale and I had used our sense of surprise, our stamina still high as we each caused the many wounds to the doe, and within the few dragged on minutes, the heavy-weighted body of the doe collapsed onto the ground, still kicking with energy and hope. Luckily, each of us managed to avoid the thrusting legs as I latched onto it's trechea, wiggling my head with great force until the skin tore off and it was just a piece of limp skin dangling from my muzzle. When the piece dropped from my ivories, I lifted my head to look where my teammate had gone; and with her speed, she had already begun to cut off the other doe of choice.

Almost as quickly, me and the vixen had taken down the doe rather quickly, seeming she was already worn out from the earlier running, and seemed to already be limping from a stumble that had happened earlier in the game. I let Twilight have to honor of finishing off the kill for the doe, watching as she tore it's life away, tangled skin peeling off along with it. Seems there had been a lot of blood shed between the two does, but somehow me and packmate came out without a scratch, or any harm done at all-or at least that I could tell. "Alright, you take this one. I'll take the other, we should get this started as soon as we can. It's going to be a long hike back to Bright Moon." Finally I had found my voice, and graced the atmosphere with my lilting words, flashing a light smile before turning in the direction of my creature that I was to drag back to our packlands. Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself into a steady trot, reaching my target in a matter of time. Wanting to get this show on the road, I grabbed ahold of a nice spot on the legs and heaved, dragging the meal a few yards before finding a better grip and catching my breath. Twilight and I had stayed together, dragging at about the same pace before we stopped to rest. For some reason, when I awoke-I didn't want to wake her from her peaceful slumber, but instead got a head start on my day. We had washed our muzzles from the blood of the prey, but it all just seemed to reappear since the fact we sunk our teeth in the the animal repeatedly to continue on our journey back to our packlands.

Jowls aching, muscles tensed and slightly weak from the long travels from Prey Plateau. The dominant cologn filled my nose then, and once I was over the borders I stopped to rest for a minute, planning out my next move to where I was to take the pack meal. I'm sure the vixetta that helped me take down the beasts would follow our scents and find us soon enough, and I had no doubt she wasn't far behind. To think we hadn't slept much since our hunting day, and no one could imagine how exhausted we both were, but yet we had a heard head, determination overpowering us. As for now, I decided I would let Tamlin know of our success on the pack hunt. Lifting my head into the air, my jowls parted as I let out a long howl, one that said this wasn't as urgent as some other matters, but one that held of proud and success. After my howl subsided, I lowered my body and settled into a resting position upon my belly. Yawning lightly, I awaited my alpha's appearance, taking in the new scents upon our borders. From what I could tell, there have been many wishing to join Bright Moon pack, which probably meant Tamlin was stressing from the numerous amount of vargs coming his way. Well won't he be relieved to have a break for a while, perhaps he could call up a pack meeting; which he more than likely would do anyhow.



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