Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Heaven in overrated


The ivory fae lie in the dirt. Looking up hopefully to the face of her fate. Paws slightly ached and bled a small amount, but nothing like earlier. Tsu could feel the sun beating down upon her pelt. Grey orbs look up to Tamalin. Seeing the kindness in his orbs as he looked her over. Assessing the vixen. With a shy smile she looked away from his eyes, having no eye contact. Submissively she pulled her ears back awaiting his words to decide her fate. Hoping it would be good. A good fate in order to start her life over. But if he didn't find her fit and dismissed her, it would be ok. She wouldn't judge or hate him for making that choice. And she would leave quietly. Sad but quietly.

The alphas voice was quite and concise. Stating his name as Tamalin, the first time she heard it. Telling her to rise as a warrior of Bright Moon. An ivory tail began to wag slowly. A big thankful smile came over her maw. Eyes looked up to him seeing his understanding in her need to speak her mind. For what is necessary is always right. Swiftly the ivory figure rolled over and up. Dirt fell from her pelt. Tsu bowed, tail low and ears back. " Thank you Tamalin, I will not disappoint you Smiling she slowly trotted over to Ambrosia. Sitting close to her for she was the only one she knew, besides Tamalin of course. Glancing to the obsidian gamma a small smile came over her as if to say, I did it. Ears perked up as to listen to the rest of what happened. Grey orbs looked over the others, seeing many new comers and others. Though she couldn't keep her attention on the small talk.

It wasn't long before all the newcomers had been dealt with. And all the pack members had shown. Tamalin began to address the entire crowd. Instead of a pack hunt there would be a sparring match. Tsu tensed. She didn't know if she could spar right, somehow she would mess up. Eyes looked down. She could fight, but she didn't want to harm any of them. Maybe she would observe first and get some points. Grey orbs looked up at Tamalin with a small exhale and nod to herself. She would try her best, that was all she could do. But on the way she would tell Tamalin her past. Clear her chest and make things right.

Tsunami | | Adult | | Fae | | No Pack | | No Mate | | No Pup | | No Rank
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