Welcome To My Paradise%01 Baby - " />

At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Welcome To My Paradise, Baby

The brute had decided to take what he considered to be a well-deserved break. After joining Munashi Gekko under the command of a new Alpha, the boy had taken it upon himself to greet some stranger at the border, an attempt to raise his standing in Volbeat’s eyes and hopefully land himself some sort of rank. The fae he had accepted hadn’t looked tremendously tough or brutal, although she had a hell of a will power. Seemed that way with all femmes; once they had made up their minds there was no place safe to hide. That’s why the silver hessian chose to concern himself only with himself. Call him weird, anti-social, lame, deprived. He would just rip your throat out and walk away, simple as that.

It was thirst that had driven the brujo to the falls, crashing into a lazy river that eventually fed into the large lakes that families always spent warm days on the shore of. He had drifted by the massive puddle once or twice, clinging to the shadowy edges to simple observe, and then move on to the next destination. He had only intended to stay at the falls for a short while; stretch his muscles a bit, fill up on water, then return to the pack since there was nothing better to do. But a handsome tree with spreading, wide leaves had caught his eye and he soon found himself laying under its arms, soaking in the peace and the cool. It was a gorgeous day, if you really cared about those sorts of things. Rhundus had turned his back on the world a long time ago, shut out anything unnecessary, surviving on mere brains and brute force. That was the way of the wolf, was it not?

Suddenly a sweet aroma assaulted his nares and his skull lifted slightly from his paws, just enough to get a better look at the female who was coming this way. She seemed way too caught up in herself for her own good; such an easy target. Alabaster pillars glided along the bank, propelling her differently colored bodice forward with an air of excellence and superiority. Ah, how fun it could be to knock that bitch off her high pedestal, watch her fall to absolute zero and then kick some sand in her sparkling green pools. He guessed she could be considered beautiful, if you fell for that sort of external stuff. Pelts and skeletons had never really held much meaning for him; his own ashen pelt and moderate build were nothing spectacular. But as fate would have it the femora sauntered over to his little tree and took refuge under it as well. Lovely. Irritation entered the brute’s icy portals, one of his more common emotions. Letting her pretty little butt settle in for a second, Rhundus rose his cranium a bit more and glanced sideways at her pate.

“Is there a reason you’ve ventured this obliviously close to a demon such as myself, or are you just determined to annoy me?” he growled, breaking the relative silence of the riverbank. Sure, he could’ve just simple slipped away into the underbrush behind his haunches and never have been noticed at all, but there was something tremendously irritating about this mistress.

Demon | Adult | Munashii Gekko | Rankless | Loveless
M i m i


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