Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Heart skips a beat, failing

I wander around the outskirts of Bright Moon, not sure if I'm doing this to avoid the whole sparring match thing, or just because I'm not feeling so social since I know now that Raylen is truly gone. Gone from Bright Moon, gone from Blossom even. Just gone. Just like Phonix. He was becoming a fast friend, a shoulder to lean on, someone who finally understood. And now he's gone. Am I really that detestable? My tail flicks at the thought as I wander on, barely escaping face planting as I trip over a root I wasn't paying attention to. Then I pause, the intoxicating smell of blood making my chest constrict with fear and wonder. What is this? What's going on? Who's hurt? My ears flick back in uncertainty as I lower my head and creep forward, a little scared of what or who I might discover. Before I know it, I'm by the borders of Bright Moon, bright golden eyes peering through the brush at what looks like a dark wolf on his side. I can smell the testosterone on his hide to tell me he's male and he doesn't smell like a pack so a loner? He must be hurt.

I stalk slowly out of the brush,watching the shallow up and down motion of his ribcage. Then I notice his eyes are closed and my fears are confirmed. He's unconscious, probably due to pain or lack of blood. Either is bad. Walking over to him with a little more confidence now that I know he's not going to jump up and eat me, I take a moment to gaze over his wounds. Most of the blood seems to focus around his shoulder and back. It's already drying so at least I don't have to worry about stopping it but that also means what's done is done and he's not going to get his energy back any time soon until his body replenishes the blood he's lost. Hopefully it's not too late. Deciding not to touch him for fear that he'll wake and try to bite out of shock and fear, I stop a few feet away and lower my head to eye level so he doesn't wake to see a wolf standing over him. My voice is soft and questioning. Um...excuse me. Are you awake? Can you hear me? My tail droops behind me helplessly, ears still flicked back in fear and concern. I'm no doctor or healer. What do I do?


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