Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


I wanna make you feel wanted<3

The ones who know me call me Jacen. (Jay-sin) Only my lovers may call me by my nicknames I have come by over the years. Jay and Jace. Believe it or not, this varge hasn't had as many love interests as you would think, just a couple here and there. I am a teenager close to being an adult, but don't let my age fool you. I'm not like most teenagers. I won't just let you just screw me over like most juveniles. I don't take shit from anybody. I will obey my orders from my superiors, nobody will ever have a need to doubt it. I won't beg for anybody attention. If I'm not wanted then I guess I will just go away. And just never look back. Ha-ha who am I kidding? I will be wanted and if anybody wants me to go away, I will just make them have a reason to like me. If you get what I mean.

My pads hit against the earth silently.I'm not in any hurry to get to Bright Moon. But excitement is starting to get the best of me.I want time to think over my reasons for leaving everything I know, and somewhat loved. It was hard to find a genuine wolf back home who didn't just want to get with me.One wolf who would just be my friend, be anything I want them to be. They all wanted me. But not really for me, just my body. I will not be just someones one night stand. That is what hoes are for. I snicker. Believe it or not just because my personality is flirtatious doesn't mean that I am in love with you when I flirt. BEWARE.

I laugh to myself. I am considerate of other people feelings, well most feyas and pups I do care about. Most brutes I just admire them for there bodies and then call it a day. Unless they try to start a load of shit , or just straight off annoy me from the start. But let me tell you a little secret. I would go after any male as fast as I would a female. I have had a couple boyfriends in my life. None were very serious, but neither were any of my girlfriends. So by looking at me.. I personally don't believe that you can tell that I am bisexual. But I don't plan on telling everyone that.

My parents.. well they were.. Well they strict and didn't really approve of my actions. But there opinions always mattered to me even though they would disown me in public. I learned to just accept them for who they were and how they treated me. I wish they would have just done the same and accepted me for who I was. They always tried to change me. And last Friday night was the last straw. I was there only son and I messed things up pretty badly I guess. So those really are the only two reasons I just got up and left one day. I don't want to be criticized for who I am, maybe if you criticized me for my actions it would make a difference. For example if I totally screwed things up on a pack hunt for instance (which my mother and father have both done) I can understand. But if you judged me because I kissed a boy and I liked it, I will let you be lucky and beat the living crap out of you. :)

Believe me, I am a softie at heart. I don't show my emotions very well. I also can't really express myself to people so easily. Maybe that's why none of my relationships are very serious? But me personally... I believe that it was the other sides fault. I always let the "other" in the relationship break things off, because I can't really stand to see tears. Because I know how it feels to be the one crying. "Note to self, be more open in relationships... Wait wait wait! Scratch that, be more open to everyone." I smile. Its a good thing nobody is around, or they would think this sexy boy is crazy.

I glare up at the sun. It was about mid-day maybe? The sun is out, and lucky me half my fur is black. Oh Lord it is hot! I growl. I quicken my pace and come up on a stream. I look down at my reflection. Wow. I look hot! I laugh and quickly sip some water out and keep on moving. Keeping up my fast pace. I feel like a little pup, so excited. My tail and my hips both swaying back and forth as I walk. Im comming up on Bright Moon's border very quickly. Excitement got the best of me. My mask (of emotions) shows that I am serious about this. But on the inside I am excited to see what lies on the other side of that border. Better yet.. Who. Wow . I really feel like there is somebody here in Blossom who was made just for me. I feel like she/ or he. Will definately be hard to get.

Thats okay because I think it sexy when they play hard to get.

Who am I kidding I think sexy wolfs are just sexy wolfs. No matter how they act. Easy to get, or hard. I lick my lips. I look around. Yep Im here. Bright Moon. Yes I can say I have been a creeper and done my research on this pack. I can't just strut my stuff in here being a total noob now can I ? I think you know the answer.

I now stand only a few feet away from the "border". I stand still. Waiting patiently for somebody to .. Hopefully welcome me. But why wouldn't they? I don't know.. But you can't help but expect the worse when your happy and really excited about something. I sit down with my head held high looking off at the clouds in the distance.

Brute || Teen || Loner || Loveless
M o r g a n


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