Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Melancholy baby.

Rhavaniel could practically smell the fear wafting off of the poor creature in front of her in disgusting heavy splotches. Why would she think she wasn’t a wolf? She sure as hell wasn’t a bear other wise this girl wouldn’t be speaking like a shuttering whelp, she would be lying in the snow bleeding out her sides. Rhav cringed thinking of it and soon snuffed the horrific thought from her mind. She needed to get this thing somewhere safe. She was obviously in no condition to be gallivanting about alone no less a place like this! Why hasn’t anybody said anything? Well that shows you how considerate people are…wait - the charcoal lasses features seemed to blanch - did Rhav just feel pity? No, it couldn’t be. “Yes of course I’m a wolf what else would I be?” Her voice came out a bit to icy, probably to make up for that glimmer of feeling she just had.

The dark girls slate orbs softened a thing which few wolves actually saw but Rhav had a feeling that she wouldn’t have that problem with this… thing. The chill of the wind bit down into her and she involuntarily shivered. “Oh - um - well are you cold?” Of course she was cold! Why else would she be shivering like a leaf in the wind? Smart real smart… The youth stretched her head around the creature in order to get a glimpse of what was behind her - satisfied that nothing was watching them she spoke a bit lower “Do you need somewhere to, well, um… Do you have anyone! Any family I mean? That’s what I was trying to say.” She was growing more and more agitated with each passing minute and she wanted to snap, just lash out. How dare someone put her in this situation! How dare them. What making her feel again, Rhav wanted nothing to do with feelings! Feelings are what had almost got her killed! She didn’t want to relive that… not again.

She gently shifted her weight to her left size watching the strange fae. Could something fix that gleam in her eye? or rather lack of a gleam. Rhav didn’t understand and she shook her head fast trying to clear the thoughts. Where would they go? Wait what did she just say we? What we, there was no we. I, me, no us - but could she make it on her own? No, she would probably die before she got anywhere remotely safe. The ravens would be picking at those strange eyes within the next two days. Rhav needed a plan and she looked at the creature mulling over her options. I‘ll take her somewhere safe and get the hell out of there, take her somewhere safe leave, take her leaf. That’s what she was going to do. It was decided.


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