Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Each days a gift and not a given right. [ Reserved ]

A mellow summers breeze carried numerous a fragrance over the land. Each different aroma unique to the realm of paradise known solely as Blossom Forest. It cooled the creatures whom called this range their home. Today was unusually warm. Temperatures increasingly heightened over every territory within the land. The summers sun scorched the land below. Every creature, big or small, felt the effects of summers wrath. Though it seemed the main inhabitants of Blossom Forest, the wolves, were feeling the heat harder. Thick pelts good for winter were a risk for heat stroke in summer. Small watering holes dry with each passing day. Thousands hide in the shade to attempt to escape the summer solstice. An unsteady truce between predator and prey has been made, for neither wishes to push on in the heat. Arcadia could not recollect being in a setting like this before. A salmon textured tongue flopped feebly from his opened mouth. Panting to keep cool. This small attempt was to ensure he did not become another casualty to heat exhaustion. Water was first on today's agenda for the multicolored brute. Large stabilizers lifted the massive mass from his resting spot in the heavenly shade of a great pine tree. Arcadia dipped his head in thanks to one of nature's ultimate providers. Stepping into the suns rays was a shock to Arcadia's icy blue eyes. Squinting trying to quickly refocus from the prompt switch in lighting. Several blinks allowed Arcadia's vision to be crystal clear again. One small step onto the sun kissed earth resulted in a swift retreat. A wolf's pads tend to be sensitive to high temperature. And Arcadia was no exception. The soil was baked from the endless hours of direct sunlight. Swift glances around found a more suitable and, for lack of a better word, cooler path. The varg kept at a sluggish pace, not wanting to overwork and overheat himself was his main priority. Arcadia needed to find water soon. Dehydration could and would set in if he put this off any longer. The trek wasn't hard, it was more or less exhausting in this heat. But within the hour he stumbled upon a creek, sweet salvation.

The smooth trickling of water was enough to make him speed up. His parched mouth craving the cool moist liquid to run over his tongue and down his esophagus. Arcadia seemed to get a little carried away as he lapped up the water in the usual backwards scoop all canines do. The brute made sure to drink as much as wolfly ( kinda like humanly but wolfly xD I don't know if that makes sense to you ) possible. It was outstanding. It took him several minutes to finish up. Gently he lifted his cranium back to full height, looking calmly around for a place to wade. It didn't take him long to find a small pool large enough for him to lay in. Slowly entering the pool was heaven upon worn pads. The calm rush flowed through his toes and around his legs calling for him to lay. But he did not have time to rest again. There was a larger importance to this day. For Arcadia he was leaving his fears behind and taking the path less traveled by. Today he goes to his new home. His new family. His new pack. After years of a life of solitude he would return to the life he left behind. Turn over a new leaf. It wasn't a simple decision either. Arcadia is looking for a pack that is tough yet peaceful. The pack lands had to be ideal to his needs. And a calm and collective leader. All those added up and pointed to one pack. Bright moon. Led by the snow alpha Tamalin. That was were Arcadia was destined to be.

Arcadia kept a fluid motion. One slow enough to keep him from over heating whilst fast enough to get there before sundown. He was still some miles away but at least at this pace he would be there soon. The journey was quiet and peaceful. Arcadia was one with nature. The birds sang their melodies up above. Squirrels chirp and chase each other up a tree. Everything was as it should be. Except for the intense heat. That was a variable of summer. Just like the possibility of below freezing weather in winter. All nature's endless possibilities. You never know what it'll throw at you. Arcadia has come to expect anything. From snow in summer to heat in winter. It was the wonderful mystery of life. Just because something is supposed to go one way doesn't mean another variable wont throw a fork in the road for you. All this thinking could really have a wolf loose track of time. And being the intellectual wolf Arcadia is it isn't difficult to accomplish. His mind was a computer. Full of knowledge and always running. A powerful mixture of brains and brawn. David and Goliath. SMACK! Arcadia walked straight into a tree. Several shakes of the head brought his attention back to real world. A downfall of higher level thinking is the loss of attention. I guess he can't multitask very well. Arcadia snickered and continued on. Realizing how close he was to the border. Bright Moon was ahead.

The musky odor of an alpha lined the forest floor. An obsidian nose scented the markings to make sure this was Bright Moon. Everything seemed in check. Icy gazers shifted around the scenery. Taking in the appearance of what may become his new home. It looked calm and peaceful. But Arcadia knew to never underestimate a book by its cover. Something from within gave an aura of danger. Like he was being watched just from the grass or shrubs. Hackles slightly raised in caution. He padded along the border. Arcadia may not know all the traditions this pack has, but he's smart enough to know not to dare put a hair over the border. Its simple respect. He wasn't sure how to come about respectfully getting the alphas attention. Maybe Tamalin was watching and would come out. Maybe Arcadia would have to wait till he was noticed. Quietly the brute sat down in the cool shade. Still on guard about the possibility of being watched. Slowly he laid down resting. The thought of howling crossed his mind but that would seem like he demanded attention. Arcadia was patient and willing to wait however long it took. This was where he belonged. His destiny.


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