At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Let my light shine.

It was quiet in Saw Tooth. The pack where off hunting and only a few wolves were left in the lands. Winter was fast approaching and everyone would be stocking up on fat reserves to keep them healthy through the cold months that were looming over head. With the beginning of winter came the refreshing cold mornings and the harsh, bitter nights perfect for cuddling with family. The rivers were beginning to grow icy and the leaves were falling from the trees but still life in the pack carried on as usual. The borders had become very quiet and not many new warriors were joining the family, but as a whole the Saw Tooth pack was still thriving under the watchful eye of their Alphas.

Cai hadn’t seen her mate or pups for months. She knew that they were growing fast but still they were only teens. Redrust along with Atachi, Chidori and Icicle had not been around since a couple of weeks after birth and the female hoped with all her heart that they were okay and nothing bad had happened. Tally, Hachi and Dib on the other hand had still been present in the pack lands up until a few months ago. From time to time the lass had smelt Dib and Tally but her fearful son Hachi had disappeared. Although Dib was disabled, her brother Hachi was the most vulnerable of the three and Cai could not hide the feeling that a terrible fate had become her son.

The ivory ess laid in the comfort of her den when a familiar howl sounded. It wasn’t in Saw Tooth but it was close enough and she immediately recognised it as that of her daughter Tally. The female jumped to her feet and in no time had set of towards the sound of her daughter’s song. Her legs pounded across the packs borders and thundered towards Leisure Lake- which she reached in no time and there before her very eyes was Tally. Her heart leapt for joy as she approached her not so small pup. “Tally?” She couldn’t quite believe her eyes. Her daughter had grown so much it was unbelievable. The femme couldn’t contain herself and grabbed her offspring in an emotional embrace, planting kisses on her maw and forehead. “My god!” She exclaimed. “How you’ve grown.” Then her motherly instincts took over as she sat by her daughter. “Where have you been I’ve been worried sick. You’re just like your father.” At least she had come back. “I’ve missed you so much. Never leave me again.” She planted another, very sloppy kiss on Tally’s maw.


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