Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!

-Light of the Gods.-

"Surprisingly, no. I mean there's the training injuries here or there, but nothing serious, not recently anyway. The tigers haven't gotten their claws into anyone inside the pack lately, but then again, they tend to 'play for keeps' if you will," she replied with a slight shudder. Granted, Ana didn't know /exactly/ what the Beta's children had done recently in the pack, but if something ended up dead, it was usually at their paws. As much as Ana wanted to fix that, she was just one wolf and Life blessings were difficult to come by on, even on the sporadic basis the deaths occurred. At least they didn't drop bodies at her den saying she needed to do something with it. The black and white fem found that to be a small relief. In the end, the fem shook her head. "Probably a bit more than you needed to hear," the fae said with a light laugh, trying not to having things turn south just because of the crazed tigers running Fire.

Her yellow eyes watched him with continued interest. Ana tilted her head slightly as he explained. She might had nodded in understanding, but winters in Fire got cold with maybe a light snow. Nothing like the weather on Ice Mountain or Ice pack. She imagined he was speaking in terms of the weather at least. Ice pack had always been described by some former members of Fire as a snowy wasteland full of simpletons who didn't care about anything. Makura never had. In fact, the tiger's motives almost always revolved around bringing Fire back into the light with fear. Who got in the way wasn't even relevant.

"Any luck yet?" Ana asked in response. Maybe the question was a bit far reaching for having just met Aster, but she didn't know how long he'd been wandering the area.


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