Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


The Bear Wolf

OOC: It says this is open so I'm posting :3 If you'd rather not have my wolf involved just let me know :P

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The thick pelted male had no trouble staying warm as he drifted aimlessly across the strew of snow and ice coating the dead foliage that seemed to provide a carpet to walk across the icebound mud. The collar of longer, darker fur around his neck kept him extra secure in the blanket of warmth that seemed to engulf him. His large head was held with purpose as he walked on strong limbs, held by capable muscles. An elevated tail tanned and striped with a variety of browns, as lustrous as the rest of the fur covering his body, showed off his dignity and confidence. The way he moved through the trees seemed to let on that he was headed for a significant event, yet in truth he was merely wandering to pass the time. He was a large, proud brute, yet he had no place to go.

Bjomolf was this impressive creature’s name, a truly fitting label when given the consideration of its meaning; bear wolf. To a pup’s eyes, this powerful male could at first glance be mistaken for a bear. Under the evening shadows, which stretched and twisted through the forest to give life to all inanimate objects, the dark strands of his pelt stand out and his sturdy build make him seem almost like a member of that other species. Like a bear, too, he was obviously strong; his large paws could carry him a fair way almost effortlessly. When provoked, the serene mask made up of a composed expression and restrained attitude could strip away to reveal a worthy opponent. Indeed, he was not someone a weak wolf would wish to mess with.

However, despite these first appearances there was more to the assured male than strength and composure. Bjomolf was not by nature a rogue wolf. Unfortunate circumstance had left him alone, wandering between the widely spaced landmarks of Blossom Forest. There was no appeal to him in a desolate life, nor did seeking out a mate for company seem to appease his restless mind. A pack had been his next plan, but the idea was dismissed from his mind almost immediately. Most of those he had come across were guarded, wrapped deep within their own secrets and layers of protection. A wolf like himself would likely be seen as a threat. Besides, taking so much time getting to know a pack of strangers didn’t seem productive to him. Instead he was now left to walk through the darkening woods, contemplating the feeling that something was missing.

Chance brought the brute to Misty Mountain, its shrouded top a place he had not frequented often. Rarely was there another wolf up there, making it a perfect place to seek shelter. He began the steady climb, bounding across the occasionally large gap between boulders and leaping up particularly steep parts. His brow was furrowed in concentration, russet eyes determined as he stepped out onto a platform deep in snow, exposed to the weather as it was. He slipped through the thick mist, a shadow that padded carefully across the cold surface. Indents were left by paws darkened by the damp coating of melted snow. His breathe came out in shallow pants, quietly revealing the slight exertion it took to reach this point through the puffs of air that appeared like a dragon puffing out smoke in front of him.

To one side, he noticed large boulders with cracks between them. He flicked his tail and scented the air, though the cold touch of wind to his nose brought with it only the smell of cold air tinged slightly with pine trees. With a shrug and a snort he padded to one edge of the platform, where he could view part of the forest, distorted by the mist. A shudder racked his body during a particularly strong gust of wind and he glanced upwards, narrowing his eyes partially. "It looks like a storm’s brewing," he spoke out loud in a gruff tone, addressing nothing but the blowing winds that sent up sprinklings of snowflakes into the grey pelt of his stomach from the ground.

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||Bjomolf|| ||No Mate|| ||No Pack||


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