Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


a healthy dose of c y a n i d e

V e n g a
Gamma of Bright Moon

Old memories still flooded through my mind. Most of them were of a male, one who was black and white striped with eyes the color of the ocean during a storm. This wolf was no stranger to me, for sure. A bittersweet hum rumbled from me as his name echoed through my mind. Zanex... The simple name was thought with a twisted tangle of emotion. My heart skipped a bit but then wrenched painfully. I winced at the now familiar feeling and sighed, a defeated sound. Formerly lying down, I now rose to my paws and stretched out until my limbs were being pulled so hard, they nearly hurt. Pain was safe. It had no consequences. Not ones as bad as hope and love, anyways. Sounded insane, didn't it? Well that's for the best, I supposed. I was fairly sure I was going crazy, anyways.

I was just beginning to move through the pack lands in search of Ambrosia. It had seemed like a long time since I had talked to her and I felt like it was due time that I did. Though she always held her serious, down-to-business attitude, she was someone I felt comfortable with. We hadn't talked much since we'd been in this pack together but something told me to go find her now. So that's what I was doing as I walked lazily through the pack's lands. I paused often to raise my nares to the wind in an attempt to catch the ebony beta's scent.

My orbs narrowed and I stopped. My mismatched gaze examined my surroundings. Something didn't feel right here. In fact, it felt very, very wrong.. I don't know what told me this but I felt it. My senses instantly went on high alert and I couldn't stop my hackles from raising straight up. Panic prickled my skin and I frantically scented the air. The breeze changed direction subtly. There it was, an unfamiliar odor surrounded by two I knew and one that was newer. My pistons whipped into action, pumping as hard as they could. Then I pushed them harder. Something was very wrong. I knew that Ambrosia could handle it but I wanted to be there to help her out.

I drew closer to the source of the scent and soon the dark figure of the pack's beta came into view. I was just in time to hear her words. You are not welcome here. Leave. Now. The growl was almost hard to hear. I circled the gathered wolves, just out of view. I recognized the familiar smell as being Salek and the newer one was a female that I had never seen before but was obviously one of our warriors. Though my eyes slid over them, they held no focus from me. It was the male I zoned in on. He had just sprang at Salek. I had been planning on laying in wait until needed-- and I knew this was not the time I was-- but I couldn't help myself. I saw Ambrosia launch a counter attack but I still couldn't hold myself in check.

Rage burned through my veins at this wolf who dared to intrude upon my home. A savage growl ripped violently through my chest as I charged towards the tangle of wolves. NO! STOP! The command was not issued aloud, of that much I was certain. It's harder-than-steel voice, one actually belonging to Zanex, echoed through my mind still. It was enough of a shock to stop me dead in my tracks. With a quick movement, I fiercely shook my cranium, hoping to restore even a bit of my scant sanity. Even with my focus back to the matter at hand, I refrained from attacking. A deep growl still rumbled in my chest demonically and my legs itched to run towards him just as my tongue longed to taste his crimson nectar. I was perched on my toes, ready to burst towards him with my jaws snapping, in the even that Ambrosia missed her target.

Slim chance of that happening. If that brute messed up so much as a hair of the fae's pelt, I would be right there, ripping him apart. Limb from insane limb. While I waited, pacing and seconds away from attacking him. As soon as Ambrosia moved, I told myself. My gazed flicked to the new girl and my brow lifted inquisitively. I was rather interested in what she planned on doing. Once I caught her eye, I looked pointedly at the fight going on before us then back to her with a small shake of my head. She didn't need to get involved in this, she didn't need to get hurt. Not yet anyways. Suddenly I lifted my maw skyward and let a savage howl rip swiftly through the air, calling all pack members. It was an S.O.S. of sorts. When my snout came back down, I moved forward, towards the intruder and my beloved family.



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