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Piercing Green Eyes



Brooke was pleasently surprised to see how fast and efficient Amorak got around Tenshi and came to her side. she looked up into the night sky, the moon high above there heads and she sighed, he was dead and she was safe here. Looking at her mate Brooke nuzzled against his concerned from. " Shush my love, there is nothing that needs to be fixed. " Brooke gave his cheek a quick lick, her heart swooned like it did everytime she shared moments with her mate. She loved the way he made her feel, always loved, always protected. The last words he spoke made her shiver, no one had ever been so special to her. Now it was Brooke's turn to completely give Amorak her soul. Her most guarded secrets would be spilled this night. " I call you out here tonight to share my past. It is not pleasent and it haunted me for many years untill Heyel shed a new light on the situation. You are My mate, My soul and My heart Amorak and I feel if anyone should know of what happend to me when I was young it should be you." Brooke sighed and leaned against her mate. " Would you like to hear of my past? Or would you like to stay in the shadows about it. Your choice will not bg me love, I only thought that the wolf I trust the most should hear it." Brooke let her green eyes float to the moon once more, how familuar this was, it reminded her of Heyel that night the same way, except back then it still haunted her, she was determined not to cry on this night. she would be strong when shetold her love. Patient she is now waiting for Amoraks Reply.

female - 10 - black and white - Trenus Magistor - Owned By Amorak- Bound to Karv -Pups 8 - Paige

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