At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Midnight's Magic(Glitch)

The sun was just starting to dip behind the horizon as Magic carefully traced her paws over the lush grass. She had only been to Staircase Falls once before, though it was a distant memory. She only remembered sitting by the slippery rocks, listening to the sound of the water trickling over the slick stones that must have been their for centuries. From far in the distance, she could barely hear this voice now. Looking up through the dense treetops, she could just barely see the outline of the stars, and the light glow of the moon. Tonight was the night of the crescent; she knew now that the rest of the moon was too dark, and would not show up. She tried her best not to stir up any dirt along the undergrowth, but that was indeed quite hard.

The voice of running water started to get louder, and she heard it bouncing off the trees and back to where it came from. She was setting off to see Glitch, her lover. She smiled at the thought of his strong heart, though his body was humble in every way. She felt she had not talked or sat with him in a very long time, so they decided to meet at this wonderful place where it is thought magic touches the bodies of wolves all around, and gives them a memory of a lifetime. Her black pelt swayed through the heavy brush, slipping through the thorns hoping it wouldn't snag her pelt. When one did, she pulled it from her skin, then continued.

As the trees started to thin out, she started to smile. She would see her mate, Glitch, among a place of peace, where they could rest and chat. What was odd was that Magic didn't really know that much about his past; she might have to ask about that later, if it was what he desired. Sometimes, the past can be hard to think of, and she would respect that if it came to. The trees finally broke out and she saw a beautiful river stretch from up the hill to down and past the aspen trees, enjoying how their white trunks stood out against the green and brown background. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of this place, and broke into a full smile. The scent of water, dirt, leaves, and old stone all mixed into one brought a heavy smell that tingled inside her.

Sitting down, she listened as the only noise, the water, could be heard among the forest. The birds were silent also, as if they thought this sound was wonderful too. What a beautiful spot to sit with the ones you love. From her sitting position, Magic layed down and dared to lap up the water from this beautiful stream. She shuddered back, thinking that this water was not meant for a wolf as herself; it belonged to wolves of greatness, like Kaive herself. Ears flickering at the surrounding sounds, Magic layed her head on her black paws. The sunset stayed around long enough, and she waited for her lover's scent to be brought down with the breeze. The golden, pink and dark blue of the sunset could be seen at the top of the hill, where it dotted the clouds in such wonder.


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