Enocra Woodland

Pine, spruce and firs alike...
Dense coniferous forests cover the woodlands, with clearings, paths and the occasional wildberry shrub throughout. Pine, spruce and fir make up much of the forest in the east, with the forest becoming swampier in the west towards Mecor Valley. In the west, cypress trees dominate, with fallen trees creating bridges across and throughout the stillwaters.

Return to Lunar Children

so deliver me from this

restless: i found your weakness

Vidar was distant if not completely and utterly cold; she could somehow understand why but at the same time, she did not approve of such reasoning. She had tried her hardest to hold it together for her son but it seemed perhaps she was not cut from the best parenting cloth. Perhaps one day she would be able to teach him, her little forest warrior, how to fight... how to hunt... how to never fall as his siblings had. His survival said something about him, something that perhaps he did not even know. She'd just been too distraught to ever inform him of such.

But how could to repair Vague? He was not so much like her - he did not need anger and madness to heal. He was tender, gentle and even though a warrior at heart... his soul was soft. She had pulled him from the loners and given him purpose, but that had been so long ago. Two years ago she had abolished a feud, given light to a true betrayer and in turn he had been so close to his name again but now... could she fix him for a third time? She could not go back to that day, she had tried, and for that reason alone she could never bring back those that were missing; even poor Ajax had fallen behind. Not even her children could have saved him. She watched Vague solemnly, her gaze unfaltering as she watched every minute eye movement and twitch of his muscles - she tried to decipher him, to find cracks in the walls he had built up. It was only when she spoke that something changed in him - she could almost feel his heart kick start within his chest - and yet she remained completely motionless still, head tilted ever so slightly and ears cupping forward the slightest bit. He rose then and with him rose her gaze, ever fixated upon his own, her head slowly tilting once more. Would he speak? Would he finally use the voice he had forgotten for so long? She could feels the furs over her body lift and prickle in anticipation.

Then, he spoke. Words quiet and gentle, his voice almost strange to her.

"You need not ask for forgiveness," she cooed, reaching out with her muzzle until it almost touched the rim of his broad ear, "You shall always have it from me. It is your right."

She lingered for a moment before retracting, her thick tail thumping slowly around her limbs. She was glad to have heard his voice - a strange, strange sound but the voice of her lover nonetheless. Slowly her features twitched, her lips tugging up into a slight grin as he continued. It was not happiness from his pain, but rather from the change within him; there was still a fighting spirit left within him. Perhaps she could fix him. Perhaps one day all would be well. The innards of her mind laughed at such a notion.

"You are my love, Vague, and you shall always be," she responded quietly, wrapping her neck around his as she gently groomed his neck affectionately, "We are too strong for this world. It will never bring us down for as long as I live."


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