At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


dance for me; dance for you

OOC: I really can't be bothered to get the table, sorry! And sorry for lateness!


"Admit it, Kally that you boys yearn for our talent and beauty. We have so much more to offer – emotional crazes and everything. I totally would call you my gal-pal if you were a female.” She stated certainly with a small, rather highly pitched laugh. Her fiery gaze focused securely as he shook his muzzle before fading briefly into thoughts or perhaps, memories but not long after his icy glare focused once more on the black phantom. ‘You love seeing me suffer don’t you dear?’ Leila smiled and nodded once before bursting out in a chorus of laughter. “Yes sweetie, I just adore seeing you in misery and humiliation,” she said in a sweetened voice and reached out with her muzzle so she was closer to him. “I do apologise about it though, Gally-Pally-Kally.” She moved backwards and once again engaged herself in a fit of laughter, her ears flattening against her skull as she struggled to rebel against the humour of his position. “Ugh,” she heaved, “ugh.” Leila, after regaining her strength and although not entirely her dignity, managed to pull herself to a respectful posture. However the next topic soon quietened the black phantom into a peaceful mood.

Leila was not sure what she had to say or do in the presence of a compliment. Sure, she was used to spreading her own flatteries out but she had never been on the opposite end. She only few words she could muster was: ‘thank you.’ The black phantom smiled up at the brute – it had not been a full on compliment but for many moons she had been alone; so this was lovely. She blinked a few times before shaking her head vigorously; she would not allow his compliment to distort her. Her fiery eyes stared in puzzlement. Stop it, Leila and pull yourself together she thought to herself. She could not help but smile though – she had had some half-heartened compliments about mainly her appearance but something as her name…. It was a polite, subtle and simple compliment.

They discussed pack lands for a brief moment before Leila turned the topic to the ten biggest fears that they each had. ‘That is quite the personal question…’ Her audettes flattened against her skull in humiliation. She had not thought about that… She was about to apologise when he offered her a few instead of ten for it was a large number to live up to. She nodded with a small smile feeling slightly better.

‘I fear the position of alpha and that I shall not live up to their expectations should I be voted in. I fear failing my pack and that it shall fall to the wayside. I fear that I shall be forever alone. I fear having the inability to someday have a family that will match the one that I was raised in.’

Leila smiled, “for one, Kally – you will never be alone, you’re a decent brute and who isn’t bad lookin’. And if not, which is very unlikely, I will still have your back because baby – as my friend you’re stuck with me.” She stated with a small giggle, she was unsure if these words would calm him from further anxiety but it was all she could do for now it was her turn to delve deeply.
“Let’s see, I fear – oh these aren’t in order by the way Kally. – I fear childbirth, all that blood and pushing, disgusting!” She stated first before adding soon after a new one: “Hmm, I fear death and all of the diseases that spread with it. I fear small spaces. I fear letting other wolves down and that follows only to the fear of being hated. I fear pain…. And I fear, fear itself. There, that is seven I believe and I cannot think of anymore!” Leila said triumphantly and allowed him some time to think about them.



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