Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Can You Hear the Silence


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Channing seemed doubtful that Terrel would ever accept Henadin. I hope so. I really do. And there was, surely, plenty of reason for Terrel’s distrust of males as a whole – an abusive, cruel father set it up right from the get go. While Henadin’s own memories of his father and of his childhood in general were in fact fading, there were a few that he would cherish forever. When he first opened his eyes, and saw the large brute looming protectively over him. The first time his father carried him out of the cavernous den and into the blinding light of the sun. His first playmate… but Terrel had none of that. He had not had any good interacts with brutes, and so that would make it increasingly difficult to bond with him.

But the grey brute was more optimistic than the fae on this situation. Had Henadin ever, ever wanted to belong to a pack? NO. Had Henadin ever, ever had a mate or wanted to have a mate? NO. Had Henadin ever spoken easily to any lupine other than his sister? NO. No to all of the above. And yet in this day, here he was. A member of Saw Tooth, in love and conversing relatively easily with the fae before him. The brute’s definition of impossibility was much changed. The brute himself was changed – this fae had changed him. Perhaps Henadin would be the one that was possible of showing Terrel that there were some brutes in the world that were trustworthy.

After Henadin’s awkward monologue, his love had moved closer to him and kissed his nape. It was reassuring that his failure with words continued to not bother her. The brute doubted that he would ever be the suave suitor, but he didn’t want to be a suave suitor. He had won the heart of the one who had stolen his heart… The fae had remained silent, though when the brute’s gaze latched onto her own, Henadin saw the gears in her mind working. Henadin half-regretted what he had said. It had been the wrong time to bring it up. And what if she did not want to have pups? He did not want to pressure her into having pups – he was happy with her, and would be happy with or without pups. The brute would do anything to make her happy, and guessed that she felt the same way. If she did not want pups, would she pretend she wanted them if he said he wanted them? The brute shook his cranium again – their love was an honest one and a simple one. Not plain, by any means. But it was simple – he loved her and she loved him, and they would have to trust each other to always be honest about their desires. Would I ever consider what my love? Her words fell over him like a silk shawl, reassuring him of her feelings for him, and the brute knew that he had to finish what he had tried so hard to say to her.

The brute averted his eyes, looking out over the vast terra of cloud tops beneath them, but then forcibly shifted their focus back upon Channing. “My love, I am sorry that I fail so with words. You know it is difficult for me.” Henadin took a deep breath before continuing. “ The question I pose to you, keeper of my heart, is would you ever consider ever being my mate?” The brute hurriedly continued on, not wanting her to misunderstand him. “It’s not that I don’t already consider you my mate – you are my love, my all, my soulmate. There is no other for me. That is not what I mean…” The brute exhaled sharply, his lack of eloquence making the conversation stressful for him. The brute nuzzled the fae again, her warmth and touch calming the storm inside of him once more. As he moved away from her touch, he tried one last time. “What I mean to say, Channing… is would you ever consider bearing my pups? Making a family of our own – Terrel included of course. Be honest with me – I would never pressure such a thing upon you.” The brute fell silent, this time more easily. He felt that his last monologue had expressed what he meant clear enough for Channing to get his meaning. All the was left for him to do now was to wait for her reply.

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||Henadin|| ||<3 Channing <3|| ||Saw Tooth|| ||Adult|| ||*Azura*||


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