The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


{We are sick and we are tired.} Pixie/Lolita cont.

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OOC- I wonder what would happen if the two of them got together?? It would be mayhem!!

Although he didn’t want to admit it, the girl was growing on him. She was providing one hell of a challenge for him and in all honesty he respected that. She was the only female, after his mate, that actually had the guts to stand up to him. Not that he would hurt her anyway... That would go against his rules. However she seemed to have acquired a rather unflattering opinion of the brute and one that he had been able to change, even if it was a slow process. Then it hit the monster, she was trying her best to discover his past, yet he wasn’t finding out a thing about hers. In all the commotion of the word games and hidden secrets she had done a good job of taking the focus away from herself. Now whether she had done it without knowing, or it had been intentional the brute didn’t know, all he knew was that from now on he would try and flick the focus to her.

His words seemed to fuel the girl’s curiosity even more than before. He paused, his eyes searching the forbidden fruit that was Lolita. He could see the cogs twisting and turning in her beautifully crafted mind, trying to work out just who Lycaon was. His words were met with a soft snort and a rather perverse grin, her teeth shining in the little light that had worked its way into the cavern. Her words fluttered through his auds, firing up his demons. ’Aw, don't worry Ly. I'll scrape you off the ground afterwards if you wish.’ One word out of the sentence struck the lad down. Only one other wolf in all of Lycaon’s years had ever called him that and in all honesty it riled the demon up. It wasn’t because he despised the nickname, it was because it hit him so close to home. It made him realise how much he missed his mate and sent him back to the cold and harsh wolf he had been previously. ”I don’t need help picking myself up after a fight...” He spat the words at the girl. A slight snarl held within the words. And then he stopped. He had just given her even more reason to use the nickname against him. STUPID IDIOT. Would he ever learn? A sigh realised itself from the killers jaws. ”I am sorry for my outburst earlier.” And that was all that need be said on the subject.

Then the word games were back on and Lycaon felt himself relaxing once again. These silly little spats were nothing to him, and just assured him of the fact that Lolita- however annoying she may be- was one to keep on side. ’Just wondering how something so large can have such a tiny mind in comparison. Though I do suppose you have to keep that ego somewhere. A smirk that had once been plastered on the girl’s face turned into a sweet ass smile and one that didn’t really suit Lolita. He was used to the vixen showing the same expressions as he did and seeing her act like a little princess did nothing for her already (as he saw it) perfect personality. ”I may have a tiny mind, as you say, but it is used to its full potential... Unlike others I see.” He smirked at the girl before continuing with his speech. ”And where would a fighter like me be without an extremely large ego?”

The atmosphere took a dramatic drop as the girl took up a pathetically feminine dance, trotting round him like an award winning pony; humming a ridiculously annoying tune to herself. The brute didn’t move, except for his eyes that followed her wherever she went. His ears perked as she finished her dance and seated herself right next to him. Now at first, this took the male back. He hated others invading his personal space and she had done just that. If he didn’t like Lolita as much as he did, he would have battered her one right across the face...However he didn’t. He sat still and emotionless, only his orbs moving. He took in the cocky grin covering the girl’s jaws before deciding what to do about the arrogant ess sat next to him. ”Hmmm, what am I going to do with you now?” Hopefully the words and her own imagination would do enough to drive her insane.

Lycaon ~ Adult ~ Cold Summers ~ No Mate ~ No Heirs.


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