The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


Have mercy on insanity

Burning Chaos quietly strode into the caverns, not really thinking on the matter of whether or not it was a good idea. He was a soldier of Abendrot, and it would only be right that he was bold; and deadly. His lips drew back in a snarl as the small pools of blood that he collected were completely obliterated; perhaps by some other vampiric soul craving a feast. Yet, he didn't dwell on it. Instead, Burning Chaos gingerly stepped over and around the dips scraped clumsily by dull claws and sniffed around them, rolling his eyes as he caught his sister's scent. Night Blood and her little fiancé will pay later. He wrinkled his nose in disgust at the wolf she had grown quite fond of, Darien Valentine. Burning Chaos cursed his sister for choosing a whelp like him, and not a kingly, high-born wolf. He himself was looking for one like him; insane, vampiric, and in Abendrot. Mister Valentine is all of these things, but low-born scum as well. I cannot accept that for my sister. He let his thoughts wander to subjects like that, then returned to his original train of thought to finding a woman. It could be a fine life for him and her, but the only catch was that he could abandon the woman who he had bred with, and perhaps become even more deranged; except not for blood, but for women. Oh, he had sired many strong, merciless wolves, but none had he settled down with. Even still, with his insanity, he let the subject slipped away, and thought of it no more. The brute lay down upon the stone, slippery floor and soon his eyes came upon a lass who also smelled of Abendrot. Even still, the sexist side of him wanted to underestimate her, and intimate feelings nearly rose to the surface. He composed himself as his yellow eyes grew blank and glassy, while looking questioningly at her.

"It seems as if you come from the same group as I; you also smell of Abendrot. May I ask what drove you to come here, the Cavern of Secrets?"

He crooned as he lifted his blood-and-black body to walk over to her. Although inside, he was ready to pounce at any opportunity, he knew he had to respect his own. The punishment for killing his pack member could lead to exile, death, or slavery. Burning Chaos wanted none of these things, so he kept a calm yet deadly façade. Now, he must wait for her response.

OOC: So much muse! <3 Thank you!


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