Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


absence and death are almost the same

The not too distant past.

Why couldn't anything be simple.

Titan's scarlet paws pounded the forest ground. The meetings that took place in Demonica's High Council were so drawn out. It had been too long since he had left his mate behind at Aurora Borealis. He expected to be away only a few days, and instead was returning a full week later. He cursed himself for heeding the call of his blood, but to not go? That would put his family at risk. If Demonica called and he didn't answer? Well, they had their own special ways of forcing him into it. He gritted his teeth at the thought of Akina or any of their pups being compromised in such a way. After a few seconds he forced those ideas out of his mind. This week had been stressful enough without thinking about those kinds of things. At least it was over, and as long as the negotiations held up he wouldn't ever be called away again.

And he was so excited to tell Akina.

When he made it to Leisure Lake, he and stopped to take a drink and rest for a moment. Titan sat on the sandy shore and looked up to study the sky. At the rate he was going, he would probably reach Staircase Falls by the time the moon was out and then, after stopping for the night, he could easily reach home the next afternoon. He began thinking over what Akina and him had discussed before he'd been called away. The idea of moving back to Saw Tooth had been thrown around. He knew that Akina considered that her true home. Or at least, she had at one point. They moved away from it because it was just after their pups were born, and he felt like starting fresh would be the best thing. They moved away from the petty drama at Saw Tooth and into Aurora Borealis and were immediately made the alphas. It was so much to put on her, and as he remembered that time in their life, he realized he had never exactly asked her just flat out what she wanted. Typical Titan move, making a decision for them both without asking. He knew better than that now.

But it wasn't only a matter of moving back to the place they'd voluntarily left, though. He was aware of Akina's strong friendship with Sin. Sin would never leave Aurora Borealis, and he respected that. He was sure that would make Akina's decision ultimately more difficult, however he didn't think he should drop the topic altogether. At least so she knew that it was always an option. Now that the kids were grown and settling into packs as they pleased, it would most likely be only the two of them moving. The only one he could see possibly following was Pilatus, but even that boy was out and about more often than he was home these days. After resting for a short while, Titan stood back up and shook the sand loose from his fur. He then turned towards the path and was off again at a steady pace.

If he wasn't so worn out from traveling all day he would have just run straight through to the pack land, but he was so tired. By the time he made it to the Falls, he felt like his legs would give out. He sniffed around, making sure he was the only wolf around the area, and then found a cozy spot in some bushes that were near the stone staircase. It took him all of thirty seconds to drift off, and not much longer than that to fall even deeper into sleep. Getting sleep in the lands of Demonica was tough because it was nearly impossible to feel secure enough. This was the first time in a week that he could allow himself to really get some sleep. He needed so much in fact, that he ended up oversleeping into the next day. It was already an hour past the afternoon when his emerald eyes opened again. He cursed himself for sleeping so long, stretched, and was soon heading towards home once more. Not for long, though.

“You! You're Blood Titan, right?” An unfamiliar female had suddenly cut in front of his path up ahead and shouted at him. Titan tensed immediately, coming to a halt.

Who's asking? The female shook her head, looking quite distraught.

“I'm a friend... I was a friend... of Akina.” She paused, hanging her head slightly. “I'm sorry.”

The way she spoke sent a shiver down Titan's spine. He could feel his skin growing cold. Hoping that his gut was overreacting, he spoke.

Sorry.. why? Why are you sorry?

“You...” She had a very confused expression cross her face. “You don't know?”

Titan couldn't manage to say anything in response, and he didn't need to because she continued after realizing that his silence was enough of an answer to her question.

“There was an attack. At Aurora Borealis. They killed the wolves in charge... Sin, Akina... your pups.

He was having trouble processing exactly what she was saying. Hell, he still wasn't exactly sure who she was outside of “old friend of Akina's.” He was barely able to choke out a word.


“Clan Sanguinem. It was a take over - a strike against Demonica. At least that's what they said. Taking out the Demonica power in Blossom Forest. They're expecting that, with your family killed, you won't return to the pack. I jus-”

Hold the fuck up. You expect me to believe you? Who are you? What are you saying, you're saying my family.. my wife, that they're gone? What the fuck are you talking about?

His words were angry, and laced with a nasty growl. He didn't like that a stranger had the audacity to approach him, to tell him this. Who was she to deliver something like this? He refused to believe a word of it from the mouth of a wolf he'd never met before.

“I'm sorry... I'm an old friend of Akina's, and I-”

No! I've known Akina since we were pups. I've never seen you before in my life. I'm not going to stand here and listen to this, if something happened at my pack then I need to go there. Now. Titan began to run, passing by her.

“You can't! Do you want your last son to die?!”

Blood Titan was practically trembling in anger, but he knew he couldn't ignore that statement. He turned around and walked back towards her. He stopped when they were inches apart, and his green eyes were piercing like knives into hers.

“Would it help if I could show you proof? I could answer your other questions on the way.

The last thing he wanted now was to be taken further away from a mate who possibly needed him, but he felt like he had no choice. Last son? His thoughts were swirling... he couldn't make sense of what she was saying.

“It's not far.”

She began walking, not checking to see if he was following. He was soon walking with her, and she was explaining all the details. He still didn't trust her, however he did want a full story.

“I'm Zira. I met Akina outside of any pack when we were both younger. I visit when I can, but I'm from another land. Anyways, I came to visit for a moon cycle or so, just arrived the other day, and they... they attacked yesterday.”

He wasn't sure if it was because she was mentioning the attack, but Titan could swear that the sweet, metallic scent of blood was tainting the air.

“They killed.. mostly it was Akina and your heirs, and they decided to take out Sin too. Make sure they had complete control. The only one they kept alive was Hachiko, then they issued a public warning to the entire pack. If you returned, if their scouts saw you anywhere near the pack lands, they would kill him before you had the chance to step a foot inside the border.”

Titan was silent. What could he say? He was fighting with himself... could he really stay away from the place where supposedly his mate's corpse lay? Could he really keep himself from going on a slaughtering spree? The rage was eating at him, and at this point he couldn't find it in him to care about the proof she had, or the warning this clan gave out. The smell of death was growing stronger, and soon it was too distracting for him to think about anything else. They stopped just before a very small clearing, and he could feel his stomach turn as he realized the smell seemed familiar.

“Before you think about risking your son's life, you should maybe take a look into that clearing.”


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